Landscape And Poetry

I miss the goofy things I do when I am with someone

I miss the goofy things I do when I am with someone. The way I would set aside her hair with my hand, touch her cheeks before I kiss her. Those cute polaroid or cell phone pictures taken out of nowhere when we both least expect it. Those nice good morning texts that brightens up your whole day. Those days where we just look at each other’s eyes, or even those moments when I grab her hand in the middle of the town. Those days where I make her smile just by being near her. Those moments of silence that feels very comfortable instead of it being awkward. The way we both tease and joke around each other.

Those moments when I look at her and she has that smile that says I am in love and happy with this guy I am with. Those are the moments I miss most, those are the moments that take my breath away.