Landscape And Poetry

I want to lie down next to you

I want to lie down next to you and kiss you. Trace your skin with my fingers, hover over the scars that tell the story of time while telling you that they are amazing. Embrace your body with my arms and tell you that this is my home. Trust me with your insecurities, I will not only accept them but find them to be beautiful. I want to look at you the way my heart looks at you, with loving, caring, with warmth and adoring eyes. I want to hear more about your dreams, and the life that you want to live so I can help you achieve it or walk with you towards it. If you succeed, I want to be there to share your happiness with. If you fail, I want to be a shoulder you can cry on or a strong man you can lean on. I’ll build you up and encourage you slowly so you will be brave enough to try again. I want to build a life with you because I want to kiss you the way you want to be kissed, I want to hold you the way you want to be hold, and I want to love you the way you want to be loved. One day, if you ever look back, I want you to see that I was the man that will love you more than anyone ever will but more than that I want you to see how happy you were when I am by your side.


– Random things I want to tell a girl someday