Landscape And Poetry

Imagine Loving Life

indian head lookout catskills

Look how happy my life is! I travel, I have a car, I have a wife, I have babies, I have money, I have a career and so on. Happiness that came from outside is momentarily. It is more of a high rather than happiness. Those highs are rather nice but not sustainable. They fade away in time, can change into something else and can be taken away. Just the fear of these objects changing or being taken away can cause enormous suffering to the mind that can last for eternity. Happiness that comes from within is ever lasting.

Rather than looking at the trophies you have accumulated in life that loses their high as time passes by, learn to appreciate the love that you are receiving everyday, or to be more precise learn to appreciate the love you are receiving in the present moment as this love is real, genuine, and came from a loving place.