Landscape And Poetry

Imagine Loving Life

sams point carriage road

I walked on this old familiar road with a new sense of awe and wonder as the afternoon sun dispensed its yellowish rays to the ever changing colors of the trees around me. The shadows and light intermingle as the leaves dance to the rhythm of the wind. I felt a great sense of appreciation that I was a part of this hike that crossed over mountains, cliffs, waterfalls, forests and allowed others to create friendly connections.

Yet there was a part of me that wished that you would be at the end of this road. I was longing for a moment where I could see you smile, I could touch your hands, and kiss your lips again. It is sad that there are only memories left between you and me, where days passed me by without being able to touch you again. I know you miss me and I miss you too. We were two lovers swimming in an ocean full of love, yet here we are now, drowning in our own loneliness, longing for the past that we could never get back. Desperate to breath, desperate to swim ashore, desperate to get our lives back again. We both know that our love is like air, it is what we need to breath, it is what we need to live.

So I walked on this old familiar road wishing you would be at the end where I could see you smile, touch your hands and kiss your lips again.


Picture Taken From Sam’s Point Hiking Trail.