Landscape And Poetry

Imagine Loving Life

Most of the time, I don’t really want to standout. I just want to be normal and do normal things. If I’m in a romantic movie or drama series, I would choose to be a supporting character or extra rather than the main characters. I would have this big crush on the beautiful female lead. My only role is to make her look or feel wanted / beautiful to the audience. I would do everything to make her happy because I am attracted to her even though I know she would fall in love with the main male character. The hero would save her and help her with her life but I’ll be a second too late, wishing I was there earlier.

However, I get to have fun and watch the story unfold in the sidelines. I get to have fun with all the characters and hangout with them. We would all do normal things like eat at a korean bbq restaurant buffet, do karaoke, play games together and get drunk until we are all saying goofy things we would regret the next day. I’ll be in the sidelines and I’ll be rooting for my crush to be happy. In the end, the main characters live happily ever after and we get a sense that I was happy afterwards as well.

When everything is said and done, “I’ll be like, hey that was a great story. We all had fun. We should all do it again someday.”