Landscape And Poetry

Imagine Loving Life

I wasn’t always a peaceful man. I loved conflict too much before even though I was very timid. I drank alcohol ever week, I didn’t care about the law, I would speed, trespass, I would do stupid things out of impulse, and I would look for conflict always just to keep things interesting.

However, one day, this amazing girl fell in love with me. I thought I should become a better person for her. I didn’t want her to get hurt because of me. I didn’t want anyone to hurt her also. I wanted her to have the best that I could offer and the best that this world could offer.

How could a beautiful girl like her, fall in love with guy like me? But we fell out of love and we both knew we had to move on. However, her influence could not be forgotten, it was etched deep into my soul. I could not go back to the way I used to be.

So I try to be a better person and improve myself always. I read books, watch youtube, think of ways to make more money and so on. Just so that if I ever fall in love again, I would be a better lover for her.