Landscape And Poetry

It felt like my world was ending

It felt like my world was ending. Like everything I built for years crumbled and was destroyed in front of my eyes. In the midst of my misery, at the time of my despair, she was always there for me. Just to show me how much she cares. Always telling me those words I love to hear, “It is okay, I’m here.” Even in my lowest point, she was always there. I was never alone. Always there to help me up when I am down, always there to cheer me up, to encourage me to go on. Even in my most miserable days, I never felt alone.

I wish I could become the man that she deserves. Someone that can give her all the luxuries of this world. Someone who can take her to beautiful places, exotic countries, and take her to the most expensive restaurants. She deserves a man that will love her like that. I know she does not want those things or expect those things from me. There is just an overwhelming desire to give her everything I could. Give her the moon, give her the stars, the world if I can…. I just want her to be happy because I know she tries so hard to make me happy. I just want to become a better person for her, just someone strong enough to make her life easier. I just want her life to become easier just for being with me.