Landscape And Poetry

One day I am going

One day I am going to wake up feeling great, feeling happy and joyful. I will walk at the streets I used to walk to, comfortable restaurants I like to spend time on and coffee shops I love their cookies with. As I am walking on the streets with ice cream or bubble tea on my hand, a guy bumps into me. He waves his hand as a gesture of apology and hurriedly ran to the nearest coffee shop. I will get curious as to what would make a guy frantically rush to the coffee shop as if his life depended on it. I would look at the window and see you there. You will be wearing a spring dress and white sun hat that looks amazing on you. How they compliment your figure and make you look very attractive. You are there waiting for him. When you saw him, a beautiful smile came across your face. The smile that you used to give to me. I will think that you look great and better than ever. Even if I walk pass you, you will most likely not notice me as you laugh so much over his corny jokes. He would hold your hand as if the gesture is habit you both do everyday. I would look at you as you stare at him with loving eyes. I would think that you used to look at me like that. I will realize that I am not the reason anymore. I am no longer the reason for your smile or your happiness or even how well you look. Someone else took that.

I will realize that we had a great thing going on before. I will remember the picnics that we used to do, the restaurants we pick out of the blue, the goofy things we do, and the quiet moments I spent with you. I will remember how we kiss, how much we love to cuddle and how much we cared for each other. I will realize all the good things we had and how those good things, you are now sharing with someone else other than me. I will realize that you look much more beautiful now than ever. I will remember the last time I saw you where I told you that I want to be alone. You kept telling me everything will be better, and everything will be great but I just would not listen. You were crying back then, holding on to both of us but I was just not there.

I would walk away from that window because it is not something I want to see. I would walk away as my great and happy day turn into something else. As I walk away, I will realize that I missed you so much. As I walk more and farther from you, I will realize something as well. I am glad that you are happy. I have to find my own happiness as well. I will have to find a girl that will give me the same smile as you give me, and she will treat me well. She will treat me better than you ever did. At that time, I will even be more happy because I know that both of us ended happily ever after. We both end up happy, just not with each other.