Landscape And Poetry

Poetry I Did Not Send In My 20s

Looking into your beautiful eyes,
I know I am finally home
I can see our past, present and future
There are a lot of things I want to tell you

I want to be your smile, when you are sad
Your strength when you are weak
Your warmth when you are cold
Your hope when you feel insecure

I promise to hold you when you want to cry
I promise to be near you when you are alone
To listen when you need to talk
To be the person that cares more about you than anyone in the world

I can’t promise you that I will be perfect
I can’t promise that I will always know what to do
There maybe times when I am too busy
Get mad at you for things you didn’t really mean to do

I will often say things I know I will regret when I am mad
Because I often forget the simple things about us
That it breaks my heart whenever I see you cry
I want you to know I don’t want to lose you, I will be lost if I do

You are always there to walk beside me in whatever I do
Sometimes I take that for granted
I always want to be this amazing person I know you see in me
At times I lose sight of you, cast you aside, but you are still here, next to me
I love you for loving me

I want to live with you always
I want to be in love with you always
I want to take care of you always
Be the man you deserve to have in life



Always madly in love with you,