Landscape And Poetry

She loves me too much

She loves me too much, and that is the problem.

I woke up at our bed with the rays of the morning sun hitting my face as the scent of coffee, toasted bread, and eggs coming from the kitchen traveled to the room. I walked to the dining room still somewhat disoriented, and there she was sitting on a chair wearing her pajamas. She was reading the newspaper while patiently waiting for me to wake up so we could eat. There was a little smile on her face as she described the foods that she cooked for us, hoping that I would like the taste. She was always caring, always thinking about what would make me happy, and always thinking about me. She wouldn’t care whether I take her to the movies, or an expensive restaurant, or just stay at home, she would love it as long as I spend time with her. She would travel with me to anywhere I wanted to go, take time off from her work, and practically drop everything just to be with me.

She loves me so much, and I wish she wouldn’t.

I traced the top of her cheek all the way down with my lips, then my lips finally landed on her soft lips. The once red vibrant flame that burned inside me is now gone, only a dull gray color, devoid of any passion and life exists within me. I wish someone would take care of her, the way she deserves to be taken cared of. Someone who would give her all of his heart, the way she gives it out to me. She deserves to be loved, she deserves someone nice, someone who would love her and give her everything that she ever wanted in this life. Someone that won’t make her sad, someone that will put a lot of effort to put a smile on her face.

I wish you wouldn’t love me so much…

I wish someone will love you so much…

I wish you wouldn’t look so happy whenever you see me…

I wish you would get mad at me more, make problems for me, and not put so much effort into us anymore…

I wish that tears will not fall from your eyes anymore…

I wish that I won’t make you cry anymore…

I’ve been hoping, that somebody loves you in the ways I couldn’t….
I’ve been hoping, that somebody loves you in the ways I couldn’t….