Landscape And Poetry

She was the first person I kiss

She was the first person I kiss in the morning, and the last person I hug at night. Yet, now, I am all alone, without her by my side. I lay down on this bed wishing she is still with me. The lingering scent of her hair on my pillow is driving my mind insane. I wrap my body with my blanket, yet the warmth that I feel is not the same. There is emptiness at depths of my chest whenever I look at the space where she used to sleep. It is a pain I cannot describe, I cannot put into words, yet I can feel it every night. This place used to be a place of joy, laughter and merriment, now the deafening silence that surrounds this place is almost unbearable.

I miss her.

I miss kissing those soft lips of hers. I miss the way my arms would wrap around her body. I miss the sound of her voice whenever I talk to her. The memories of happiness I have of this place plays over and over on my mind yet I know they are never going to happen again. The dreams that we made, the plans for the future that we have, the life that we were supposed to live… they are now gone. If only I can get back everything I lost, I would trade anything for it. If only I can get her back, I would do everything possible to make her happy this time. But some things are not meant to be. Some kisses are not meant to say “I love you”, some kisses are meant to say, “goodbye”.

So goodbye my love, goodbye my dreams, goodbye… I will just sleep all my misery away, hoping tomorrow will be a better day.