Landscape And Poetry

The day was ending

The day was ending as the sun dipped over the horizon, and whatever was left of its light was slowly waning. I rowed the boat away from the dock, as I set up this last hour for just the two of us. It was a somewhat large boat, with petals from different flowers sprinkled inside, and light bulbs at the side to illuminate our way. At the side, I gave her a nice bouquet of roses just so that she will remember this day.

I planned this date just for her so that she would know how special she is to me. Her happiness is my priority as she is the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. I know she felt the same way as I know that we are madly in love with each other, and at times it seems that we could conquer anything and be together always.

However, if there comes a day when I could no longer be at her side, a day where she has to spend her life on a house all alone, where restaurants meant for the two of us would only be meant for her, I want her to know that beside her is the only place I ever wanted to be. Holding her is the only thing that keeps me sane, and makes me so happy, that it is the only place that I truly belong. If I am not beside her, I would miss her so much, that a part of my body remembers her scent, her voice, and her presence, that my body craves to be with her always.

I want her to know that I don’t want her to cry, nor feel sadness in her heart if one day I could not be with her. She is the only thing I think about, the only thing that matters, and the only person that I love so much. I would do everything to keep us together. But if one day I could not be with her, I want her to be happy. I want her to live the rest of her life in bliss and joy. I think this is true for any guy who loves a girl just like the way I love her.