Landscape And Poetry

The strands of her hair glowed

The strands of her hair glowed silently red from the soft light of the burning candle as diamonds lit up the sky on fire. My hand found the soft texture of her cheek as I brushed her hair aside so that I can kiss her. I leaned in closer, letting my lips touch her soft lips as I allowed them to play together.

Tell me that we were destined to be together, to love each other forever. Adorn our life with beautiful colors of love, let my life be willingly entrapped in the passion of your lips. I want to be good for you, to be there for you when you need me, to walk through hell just to make our love survive. I want to be the man that you deserve, that can make you happier than any other man out there.

The city glimmered in a yellowish soft light as the sound of fireworks could be heard from a distance, their burst of light could almost be felt on my right cheek. Yet, all I could think about was how hot and wet her lips were, and how sweet they tasted.

Tell me that you are mine and I am yours forever. Let our bodies intertwine together, until there is no more space between us, let my lips fall in love with your lips, and trap them forever, never to be released from the ecstasy. Her body is my fire from the cold night, her touch sends shivers down my spine, and her lips are my salvation. Everything that makes me alive can only be found in her.

I separated from her, with her lips still lingering in my mind. She had that nice smile on her face as I held her hands.

“Where will you be without me?”, I asked her those words with a smirk on my face.

“Same place you will be without me… silly”, she replied.

“Where is that?” I asked.

“Alone in some place, missing and wishing we are next to each other.”