Landscape And Poetry

There are nights when

There are nights when I wonder. I wonder what my future will be? What my life would be like? Sometimes fear creeps in. Fear of failure, fear of nothingness, and just fear. Such strong fear can sometimes paralyze me, stops me from moving and makes me second guess everything. It takes a hold of me and won’t let go. It tells me every reason and excuse why I could not make it. It tells me every reason and excuse why I will fail easily.

But just when I am ready to give up, I would see you. I don’t know why it is you. It is just you. I thought you deserve a lot more than what I can currently offer. You deserve a life that you want and I should be able to give you that life. So I take up my sword and shield, summon every courage I have, light up the burning passion inside of me, so I can vanquish all the darkness surrounding me. Just to have a chance to give you a life that you can be happy with. Just for you, I would I slay dragons. Just for you.