Landscape And Poetry

Work was pretty hectic today

Work was pretty hectic today and I could feel my body very tired with every step that I take. Yet when I came home and saw her sleeping, all my fatigue seemed to have melted away. I climbed into bed, wrapped my arms around her and kissed her shoulder goodnight. She smelled nice, like she just came out of the shower. The warmth of her skin felt good with mine. I just wanted to hug her for as long as I can, stay like this forever with her, where I can hold her, protect her, and keep her safe.

I want to give her the best possible life she can have, where she could smile all day long, spend her time in laughter and with people that love her. These are just common desires and I am sure a lot of guys have them. But these desires meant the world to me, they kept me going everyday, they take away my worries, and give me sanity, just by knowing that I am doing everything I can to make her happy.

I love her… that is for sure. In this moment with her, I know, that this is the beginning of a fairy tale coming true, the start of my wildest dream becoming a reality.