Landscape And Poetry

You do not need to be anyone

You do not need to be anyone other than you to love me. We do not need to cross mountains to be with each other, nor swim oceans to prove we love each other. We do not need to walk a thousand miles to show each other we care. All we need to do is let the heart roam free and let it do what it loves to do. It loves to kiss, it loves to touch, to caress and it loves to smile. It loves happiness, and comfort. It loves food, and drinks. It loves a gentle hand that cares, a human teddy bear it can fall asleep with, a warm cup of coffee when it wakes up, and it loves a kind soul to share its life with.

For I know what my heart desires. It is pure instinct in its natural form and allows me to experience the most basic and pure of all emotions. I love you more than there are raindrops in a storm, more than there are stars in the night sky, more than there are leaves in a forest, more than there are fishes in the ocean, I love you more than words can say, and more than you will ever know.


– Love letter I will send to my future wife someday