Landscape And Poetry

You will spend years building

You will spend years building a life with me. We will feel strong when we are together as if nothing could stand in our way. We will wake up happy, looking forward to our days. We will create dreams, and plans for the future that seem so bright and full of smiles. We will breakthrough obstacles together and live as if we are one soul or one human being. For a time, you will think that this life will last forever and I will always be by your side. But one day, I will just leave. You will see my back walking away, casting you aside, telling you we are done. I will tell you that you are no longer what I want. Our life that we dreamed off is no longer what I want. You will be shocked, surprised and maybe you will not believe it or deny everything I told you. But in your heart, you already know the truth, that I was meant to leave.

As I am walking away, turning my back on you, flashes of memories will come flooding in. Times when I am just lying next to you, my fingers tracing through the curves of your skin. As you drift away and about to fall asleep, I would kiss your forehead and wrap my arms around you, waking you up just for a brief moment, enough to remind you that I am there next to you, keeping you safe, reminding you everything will be okay when you fall asleep and when you wake up. You will realize as I am walking away, that those moments and our world are gone forever. You want to desperately get it back, want to reach out to me, to tell me that it would be great if I stay, to stop me from walking away, but you could not. All you could do is shed a tear and say goodbye to a beautiful world we wanted to create that was shattered in seconds.