Stock Market Woo Woo

AMC is so red

AMC is so red. The stock lost 69% in the last 5 days and if we look at when I first posted this, this stock lost 75% in two weeks. Is red a bad thing? The answer is no. If you bought puts or shorted the stock, you could have made a lot of money. If you can predict the stock market whether it is red or green, you can make a lot of money.


You Could Have Made Millions

Having said that, if you were here when I first posted this, you could have made millions of dollars by buying puts. You had 3-4 days to buy puts but you get a better deal when I first posted this information. I think you need buy 10-20k worth of puts to in order to make 1-2 million on this play. You could have made millions. I’m sure someone that comes to this site for stock market predictions used this information to make thousands of dollars. I wouldn’t say millions but I think someone made thousand of dollars from my information. That is usually the case or what happens in my life.


I Could Have Been Rich

What is so crazy is that I could not use this information to make myself rich. I cannot short the stock or buy puts because I need to have 25k in my account to be able to. My money is split in two brokerage account. I have two roth ira and two traditional ira which splits my money. This always happens through out my life which is that I can help others make a lot of money but I could not do it for myself. Maybe it is just not time for me to be rich. I could see a lot of opportunities to be rich but I just don’t have the resources to make it happen for myself but someone else can use the information to make themselves rich.


August Prediction

The August prediction that the stock market will drop is pretty accurate. It is pretty red. That kind of information can make someone a lot of money also. For me, I think it is not the right time yet for me to have a lot of money. I don’t really age that much so it is okay. I don’t stress about it too much. I just need to survive to make myself happy also. I can create happy or good feeling emotions if I am not doing anything. My mind does not have worries since I don’t mind being alone, being poor, having no money to buy stuff, or even dying. My mind does not go there. All I think about is purifying my mind and silencing my mind. It would be nice to be rich, maybe in the future, it may happen. But for now, I’m just looking for a minimum wage job.