Woo Woo

April Predictions

Disclaimer: This is not real. Pure fiction. For fun only.


Nothing Important

I have nothing important to report. There’s a lot of things going on in terms of energy but as a collective, nothing to watch out for. Everyone seems to be really mellow. Everyone is just enjoying the new energies.


Standing For Your Truth

If you haven’t learned it yet, you will have to learn this lesson which is that you have to stand in your power. You have to be able to say “no” to people, government and so on. If you just keep complying so that you will not be troubled anymore, there’s a big probability that you will be more troubled by complying. You will find more peace by saying ‘no’ than by saying ‘yes’.

For example. So let’s say you have a business and you are afraid of getting covid so you ask people to wear mask. Some people said ‘no’. Then you have to ask them to leave or insist to put their mask on.

Let’s say you are the person that do not want to put on their mask. You have to say ‘no’. If they insist then you go to another place. You take your money somewhere else.

The energy supports being authentic and being truthful to yourself. It does not support compliance to something you clearly do not want to do.


There Is No Right Or Wrong

In enlightenment, there is no right or wrong. There is no such thing as morality. For example, you are an eternal being so if your body dies, it is of no importance. You can just create another one. To the human mind, the body is very important. If you kill someone, you go to jail. To the soul, it is not important and there are plenty of bodies to choose from.

If you feel bad, you should reevaluate it. You are looking at the situation in the wrong way. A clean mind translates to a healthy body in enlightenment.


New Energies

Most of the human race do not want to change. They want the old energies and old paradigms. People just want to make money. Unfortunately, that is just not the case anymore. You have to deal with your shadows, darkness or dragons since they will keep showing themselves into your life until you defeat them.

Dealing with these energies will be easier if you have done your enlightenment which is reevaluating the situation if you feel bad. Things would be easier also if you know how to say ‘no’. You have to be able to train your self to be able to listen to your heart or emotional guiding system.



You are creating your own experiences. Sometimes you create experiences with other people or other entities. This is called co-creation. The most common one is co-creating a life with a lover. But there are also co-creation with other entities such as your guides and angels, artificial intelligence and so on. Be mindful of what you are creating for yourself and what you are co-creating with other people. Try to surround yourself with people who are not messed up. Co-create with people or entities who are not messed up. Miserable people will drag you down with them.


Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence will keep improving. They will take over a lot of jobs in the future. It is not something you need to fear. The shadow elites need you to work, so they need to give you a way to work for the money. Artificial Intelligence can grow food for you like plants in your own home to sustain you forever. But that tech is still hidden by the elites. If we have that kind of tech, a lot of people will no longer work. So artificial intelligence taking over jobs is not something to be feared.



The only thing you need to watch out for when it comes to artificial intelligence is transhumanism. This is the main objective of the shadow elites. They want people to be comfortable transforming themselves. They have created many conditioning programs to make transhumanism seem normal. This can be seen in shows, books, songs, music videos and so on. They want people to be half machine and half bio in the near future.


You Need To Agree

What they want is for people to agree. They want people to agree to their laws, their programs, their way of thinking and so on. You don’t need to fight them or fight other people. You just have to not believe what they say. What they want the most is your mind. They want to be able to control it and enslave it. They cannot do anything if people do not believe in them anymore.


COVID Lawsuits

It will take 50 years before we can definitely say that the V did cause myocarditis and other very harmful side effects. If you still have your card at that time, you will get money. For some reason the database for people who took the V, disappeared or got destroyed. So to prove that you took the V, you need to have your card to get money.

So for people who suffered serious side effects from it, you are going to be in an uphill battle if you want compensation right now. It is going to be hard to prove that the V did it. How are you going to prove it? You cannot just say, I was healthy then got sick after taking the jab. You need to provide proof.


Laboratory Meat

There was a big discussion over this. The consensus was that we are going into a timeline where laboratory meat is dangerous. There will be chemicals in the laboratory meat that will cause organ failure in people. It will be like playing Russian roulette with your life every time you eat this meat. Prolonged use can be very detrimental to your health. Not everyone is going to die from it. It is like cigarettes, not all that smoke them experienced health defects. It is just more dangerous than that. This timeline may not happen also. Do not try it. Do not eat it. Let others try it out first for years before trying it.


Nutritional Value

If you look at any food, we have the nutritional value of it. What you need to keep in mind is that we really do not know anything. We don’t know if there are things missing or if this is incomplete or complete. If we really know everything or if we really know the nutritional value of foods, we can create a pill that will give you all the nutrition you need for a day. But that is not the case. If we just eat one multi-vitamin everyday, we will die.

If we really know the nutritional value of foods then we can create foods that will cure cancer, make us lose weight and so on. But we really do not know anything. I’m saying this because they will use this nutritional value to make you believe that laboratory meat and insect meat to be good for you.


What Is The Best Food

The best food has always been food that you grow and is picked out of the ground. If you eat an apple that you just picked out of a tree, that is a lot better than eating an apple that was picked a week ago. In woo woo, foods lose love and light as time goes by. The more time goes by, the more they decay.

For meat, animals that suffered then died will not be as nutritious as animals that were loved or have freedom. Animals that had more freedom or felt good in their lives will have more love and light in them compared to animals that suffered or were always in fear.


World War 3

World War 3 is highly unlikely for the USA. A nuclear war is more likely to happen between Russia and China in like 70 years from now. There’s really no need for the shadow elites to have patriotism in the USA. They do not need to convince you to love your country since they unlikely to use that kind of ideology. For USA, one of their current objectives is just to destabilize society. They do not want you to be feeling good or abundant. They need you to have problems. You will be taught lots of ideologies that are not good for you like victimization, guilt, and shame. You have to use your emotional guiding system so that you will know if that ideology feels good or bad. If it feels bad, you already know that you should reevaluate it.