Woo Woo

August Predictions

Disclaimer: This is not real. This is pure fiction. This has nothing to do with real life. This is not financial advice. I am just talking to myself.


August Energy

Very powerful emotions will be coming out of August from people. Even if you did your enlightenment practices, you may still get overwhelmed. A lot of negative emotions may start to come out like fear of losing money, fear of being poor, fear of losing a house, fear of losing a lover, fear of being alone and so on. If you did your enlightenment practices, got a few spiritual upgrades this year then this month should be a lot easier.

If you don’t do your spiritual or enlightenment practices, you can go crazy. Well, the amount of people with mental illnesses are increasing.


Stocks And Crypto

The prediction is not good. The prediction is that things will go down. This applies to stocks and crypto but obviously it will not be all stocks and crypto. August is not good for stocks and crypto but if you bought a long time ago, may as well just hold. It is not guaranteed your portfolio will go down. You also may want to hold off on buying stocks and crypto. If it goes down, then buy at the bottom if you can.

September looks good for money though. September is good for stocks and crypto also. Something about certain planets being in retrograde. I don’t know what that means. The consensus is that we will experience more abundance in September.


2024 Looks Good

2024 prediction is still bullish or good. So you may want to do your research and find some undervalued stocks.



Inflation will start tapering or decrease more at the end of the month and will continue to do so for many months. So this is a good thing, we can afford more stuff and cost of living will somewhat improve or decrease.



School and colleges in USA will be very obsolete after a decade or around 2035.  A lot of people will stop going to school for education. A lot of degrees will be offered online. Degrees from schools will be very very meaningless. So don’t stress your grades too much, they will be meaningless very soon.

There will be a high demand for home senior care or caring for old people in their homes. Our birthrates are very very low. Really low. There will be more old people than young people. They need to be taken cared of obviously so the demand for people to baby sit geriatrics will go through the roof. Might be a good investment opportunity for some people.


State Of Human Consciousness

There’s really nothing more to do. Humanity does not need to be saved. It has already been saved. There are multiple timelines where peace on Earth has already achieved. This is our future and this is in our past also. If you want to save the world, it makes no sense because it already happened or it is already happening or it is already guaranteed to happen.

The light has already won. The darkness could not stop humanity from evolving or getting in more light. We have this tremendous momentum also. We are getting more and more light and love in our bodies. So the shadow elites have no idea how to stop it and it is because they need you to be in fear mode but their propaganda is not working. We are still constantly getting bombarded by powerful and strong energies. As humanity gets more light, you will see more corruption, more evil deeds, more darkness and so on. All the terrible things will come to light.


Climate Change

Climate change agenda will be here for a while but there’s really nothing to fear out of this. The only thing that will happen are the rising sea levels and more plants growing. We are headed to a greener planet where the planet will sustain more plants. This also means that brand new plant species will be discovered. Permanent rise on sea levels that will sink islands or flood the coasts will not happen for decades. Maybe 2-3 decades or 20-30 years from now.

There are some man-made weather or man-made natural disasters that will devastate the world like hurricanes, storms, earthquakes and so on. But these are all created by the government. They will kill people but they will also be very temporary.

We are far more likely to die from a nuclear war than to climate change. A nuclear war is highly likely in our future. Somewhere around 2100. Most of us will be dead by that time so it is not really something we need to worry about. If you want to avoid that war, get higher so you will go to a higher or better timeline where the nuclear war did not happen. We have a spiritual season ending in 2050. It is like a test, if you pass, your future will be filled with love and peace.


What Will Kill You

The one thing that can kill you at this time is indoctrination. Indoctrination from the government will increase the chance that you will die. There is a depopulation agenda going on but fortunately, they cannot kill you. You have to choose to kill yourself. It does not matter whether the indoctrination comes from Democrats or Republicans, any type of indoctrination can increase the chance that you will die.


Clown World

The prediction is still lots of chaos. So we will be living in a clown world for a while which means that if you do something heroic, you may get punished for it. If you do something illegal or terrible, you may get rewarded for it. It is like an upside-down world or like a snake eating itself. So if you want to mind your own business then it is okay. If you don’t want to help people, that is fine. It is because, you may go to jail for a long time or may even die for helping others. We still have 6.5 more years of this. Hopefully, 2030 will change a lot of stuff and we have some sort of normalcy or sanity going on with society.



As humanity gets more and more awakened, we will be more aware of things that were kept hidden from us. This includes aliens. A lot of alien technology cannot be seen unless you are vibrating higher. If you are low vibing, you will not see them. You may not even believe in aliens when you are low which is fine. This is not something you need to know to survive.

However, aliens will be very very common knowledge after a decade from now which is not a long time. People will know that we are not alone in the universe. Your mind may experience non-existential crisis or may not be able to handle this info well. It is recommended to not watch horror movies or even marvel since all they do is make aliens look bad. They portray that there are aliens that want to destroy humanity or turn us into slaves. The simple fact is that most aliens are the good guys. They want to help us. Unfortunately, it is also true that we are already slaves. There are these reptilian aliens that basically messed up our evolution and they are trying to keep us low, fearful and dumb. It is because they farm us for our fearful energies.

Since planet Earth is a free-will zone, they cannot conquer us physically but they can indoctrinate us. So if you see insanity in the world, it is because we have been indoctrinated to be insane. However, like I said, there’s nothing you need to do. All is good, all is well. Everything has already happened. The light has already won.


mRNA Vaccines

Some old school vaccines have turned into mRNA vaccines like the flu shots. Stay away from those. I would stay away from any kind of vaccine right now.


When You Wish

When you wish for your neighbor’s house to be hit by lightning, and then later your house is the one that gets hit instead. You cannot wish others misfortunes. The universe does not work like that. You can only affect yourself so if you wish harm to others, you are really wishing harm to yourself. You can’t wish death on someone, that can come back to you.

You cannot heal others also unless they give permission. You can only create your own vibration which attracts people, scenarios, and ultimately creates your world. So watch your inner world carefully. If the inner world is nice, the outer world should follow.



You can ask to get healed. Your guides and angels can heal you. You can pray to God, pray to Allah, pray to Jesus, pray to any deity or ask the universe or ask fate. Anything is good, as long as you ask. Unfortunately, you can only ask for yourself also. Your guides and angels can only heal you. They cannot interfere with others unless they have permission from the person. So each person has to ask for themselves and cannot ask for others.

Let’s say, you want your lover or friend to get healed. That person has to pray or asked to be healed. That person has to heal his mind as well or else the disease will keep coming back.


USA Is Collapsing

USA is collapsing. Either the government changes into a more loving government or it will collapse. The light or energies coming into the planet is going to collapse old systems that are not loving. So if the USA, China or Russia, wants to survive in the next 100 years, they need to change or become more loving.

The WEF wants USA to lose power and give it to China. They just want to make USA become a communist country. Once they get that, they will take the power back. They are really trying to push that social credit system right now and people are not going to accept that unless the people in the USA gets hit with hardships. So their basic strategy is more crimes. The more crimes, the better. The more crimes mean a new way to handle criminals which is why they will say we need the social credit system.