Woo Woo

August Predictions

Disclaimer: This is not real. This is pure fiction. This has nothing to do with real life. This is only for fun and should not be taken seriously. This is not financial advice. This is pure nonsense. For entertainment purposes only. I am just talking to myself.


Always Do Research!

Predictions are great but always do research especially when it comes to money, crypto, stocks and investments. While predictions are great, they are very incomplete. They need to be supplemented with research. One thing to keep in mind is that predictions cannot be very very accurate. If they are as good as the Simpson’s predictions, the person will get assassinated. So whatever prophecy that happens, it is only a sign post, a piece of data or another piece of a puzzle. It may or may not happen.


Crypto And Stocks

The prediction is still sideways or red. December maybe good but for the most part, it will be sideways. BTC looks like it will go up, just by looking at it. Not in the prediction though. Every time it goes down, it comes back up again. My guess is that there are organizations that are trying to bring it down but they could not do it. It goes up high again like a rubber band. They said Germany sold a lot also.

For investments, the ranking based on high reward with less risk, it will be- AI stocks, gold or precious metals, BTC, ETH, then alt coins, then crypto wallet coins. AI stocks like NVDIA are good. AI is just going to keep getting better. They are going to replace lots of jobs. Currently NVDIA has a monopoly on lots of AI image generation. NVDIA is very high already but it can still go up. Watch out for other AI stocks. They can go up also.

Gold and precious metals will go up in the upcoming years. The prediction says that it is a good time to buy gold and precious metals. Put them in a safe and stuff. Gold went up by $100 since last month.

BTC and ETH will still go up. They are also very stable. Alt coins are pretty good but very volatile. Coins like cardano, XRP and solana are very good. They have a good chance of going up also. Crypto wallet coins are not that good right now. The networking fees, future hacking problems and lack of reputation will make these coins go down. I heard a prediction that says Scotty the AI, and Green BTC are good but after I did my research, they do not look good at all. I would wait before buying such coins. Wait till they reach the bottom or become stable. The developers are unknown. The coins are new. These coins could be pump and dump. These coins could be a scam. People will just lose their money.


Biden Is Gone But Trump

Biden is gone but Trump is still predicted to lose. If the election is not rigged, Trump may win. But currently, he does not have any resources on how to manipulate or cheat the election. The deep state always had such means. While Trump is also part of the Deep State or shadow elite, they cannot fully control him. They would rather have someone they can fully control be the president.

What we will notice is that our politicians will keep getting dumber and dumber. It is because the smart ones cannot be controlled. The smart ones know that they are expendable so they don’t fully trust and fully commit to the shadow elites. The dumb ones do not know that. The dumb ones believe that they will always be protected. So the shadow elites would rather have the dumb ones.

Michelle Obama is still predicted to run and not Kamala Harris. Michelle Obama is rumored to be a trans. To me, Obama is gay. I’m pretty sure he is gay and Michelle is his lover who is a man. Multiple times, Obama referred to him as Michael and not Michelle so there is some truth to it. But we most likely won’t know until after the election.


If Ever Trump Wins

If ever Trump wins, it will be a good idea to invest in his Truth Social. People can communicate to the President there. The stock has a high probability of going up.


August Is The Time For Sickness

Your negative beliefs that you haven’t healed will continue to manifest as sickness. It is the same for July. If you know your negative beliefs, you can at least heal them. I don’t know mine. I am experiencing some tooth pain. I don’t know what that means. Maybe I am too quiet. I need to shout more or express myself more verbally. I don’t know.

If you know your negative beliefs, try to let them go. If you cannot, there’s no need to worry. You will just suffer some more until you are ready to let them go.


Judgment Of Others

Here’s a meme where she cannot sleep because she kept thinking of her past mistakes. A lot of people even feel embarrassed whenever they think about their past mistakes or they cringe so hard at what they did in the past.

If you are like this, you have a lot of judgment. You judge others and now those judgments are going back to you. Whenever you are judging others, you are really only judging yourself. Let’s say that you hate people whenever they make mistakes or do something dumb. All of the mistakes you did in the past, all of the dumb things that happened to you, you will remember them. They will run through your mind over and over.

Situations and circumstances that make your ego shrink, they will go through your mind and you will feel bad. The simple explanation is that you do not believe that people who make mistakes or are dumb, deserve to be loved. They deserved to be ridiculed, made fun of, and so on. Your mistakes in the past, you will feel bad whenever you think about them because those are your judgments. Those are the beliefs that you hold that you think do not deserved to be loved.

So your mind will never have peace, until you let go of these judgments.


Getting Fat

Getting fat is a sure sign of money problems. This is a sign that you do not feel safe, you do not feel provided for, you are lacking something. Everyone in my family is getting fat, including me. This is a sign that we are thinking about money all the time. We do not feel that we have enough money. The only person that isn’t getting fat in my family is my Mother. So she is most likely pretty content and feel like she will have enough money for herself for a long time.

I don’t worry about getting fat. It is not time for me to start dating or looking for a lover. If it’s time, I will start working out again.


What Is The Best Prediction

You know what the best type of prediction that has a high chance of happening? Health predictions. What people in the future no longer do or what they do in order to become more healthy. It is like cigarettes, you already know that it is bad but you don’t know how bad. It is the same thing for the foods that we eat right now. We don’t know how bad until a prediction gives us an idea.



Sugar will be declared as one of the most toxic substances ever. In 30 years, groceries will hardly ever have soda. No one will buy soda anymore. Sugar will also be very hard to find as no one is buying them. New research will show that these items take you very close to death. They age you faster, your body cannot handle them. Like a lot of diseases will be linked to sugar. The more sugar, you eat, the more your body gets weaker and weaker. They found sugar to be so toxic, that people no longer buy them anymore.

Ice cream, candies, and lots of dessert, they are gone. They are gone in just 30 years. People in 30 years from now, look a lot healthier. People in their 100s look like in their 50s. This is just in 30 years. Which means new technology and healthy living will make 70 year olds right now, look a lot younger.

Do I think we should do this to live for a long time? Of course not. Why would you want to stay in this hell hole called Earth. The vibration is so low and so dense that you feel bad for no apparent reason once in a while. However, my ego does love to look younger, healthier and look better overall.


Christians VS Satanism

There’s going to be a war between Christians and Satanism. Not really a war but more like the Satan worshippers in Hollywood are going to keep mocking the Christians. It is going to get bigger and bigger. The shadow elites want to create war with every religion, every organization, and every idea.