Stock Market Woo Woo

Central Banks buying gold

This is not financial advice.

Central banks buying gold in the first two months of 2023. It could just be for the BRICS currency which is like a currency created by China, Russia and India that is backed by gold. They could also be accumulating for when the dollar crashes hard. It is predicted that the next-next presidential election or in the 2029 -3033, there will be a financial collapse. It is a possible future. There’s a lot of talk about buying gold and silver to protect yourself from the financial collapse. I think people are getting around $50k gold and silver for backup purposes. Still a long time, I can still save up and do more research. I heard gold deteriorates and need to be kept well. It seems like this type of investment has a lot of hassles and chores. But still, might be worth it to have a few in case financial does happen.