Woo Woo

December Predictions

Disclaimer: This is not real. This is pure fiction. This has nothing to do with real life. This is only for fun and should not be taken seriously. This is not financial advice. I am just talking to myself.


Economy And Stock Market

Very volatile right now. It is very hard to predict. I also haven’t been paying attention to predictions about this also.


There’s Nothing To Report

There’s really nothing to report or talk about. If you are doing your enlightenment practices, you are way ahead of most people. It is like the energy for December, you already felt and went through it last two months ago. But let’s say you didn’t do any enlightenment practices then basically, the same scenario that you do not want will happen over and over again.


Everyone Has Problems

Everyone has problems in this world. We would all be very healthy if no one experiences problems or worries. But the truth is, everyone has problems. It does not matter whether you are rich or poor, the mind creates problems. The mind causes suffering because people were never trained to discipline the mind. We were trained to accumulate. Some common examples would be: If you are poor, you are worried about making money. If you are middle class, you are worried of losing your job, losing your home, losing money, losing something that you have bought. If you are rich, you are worried about losing your money, your company, your way of life and so on.

If you didn’t do your enlightenment practices, scenarios that you don’t like will keep happening. It is because the outer world is just a reflection of your inner world. The energy of Earth is very dense which means negative thoughts are normal for people which means the human collective will experience lots of conflict and hardships. If you don’t do your enlightenment practices, you will have the same beliefs over and over. So the only way to change your beliefs is through pain that is coming from the outside world.


Rage And Anger

The theme for December will be rage and anger. The human collective will experience more rage and anger in this month. A lot of negative emotions are already surfacing from people due to the positive energies bombarding the Earth but this month will have a lot worst for many people. So people will experience a lot of rage and anger this month. Try your best process these emotions as best as you can.


Being Sick

If you get sick this month, that maybe a good sign. I mean, it is better than rage and anger. Take it as a sign that you should take a rest and process your negative emotions. Process your negative beliefs. Take a look at your beliefs. See which beliefs are causing you pain.


Everything In This World Is Temporary

I talked about this before in the path of materialism. It is like saying it is better to have loved and lost than not to have loved at all. It is better to have the car and wrecked it than not to have that car at all. It is really easy to say but once it happens, it is a lot of pain because the ego does not like to lose anything. It only wants to accumulate. It is because the ego gets inflated with every item it accumulates and if it loses an item, it feels like dying.

Some of you are going to be stuck in the mind with worry. Worried about losing your house, losing your girlfriend, losing your car and so on. What you need to realize at some point is that everything in this world is temporary. You will lose everything. You will lose your car, your house, your health, your money in the bank, your lover, your life and so on. If you have not made peace with that, it is going to hurt a lot.


Imagine And Wonder

Let’s do a simple exercise.

Imagine that you have everything you ever wanted.

Imagine that you have a beautiful lover. Imagine you have millions in your bank account. Imagine you have a beautiful house and car. Imagine you achieved your goals, became a NBA player, chef, boxing champion and so on. Imagine that everything you desire has been given to you.

Answer these questions on your own. How would that feel like? How would having a beautiful and loving lover feel like? How would having millions in the bank feel like? How would having a beautiful house and car feel like? How would it feel like to become the best player in NBA or boxing or whatever sport you want? How would it feel like to have everything you want be given to you?

You can also say- I wonder what it would feel like to have everything. I wonder what it would feel like to have all the money I will ever need. and so on.

What you will notice is that you will feel good. It is because you are creating your own emotions. I talked about this also in here that we all create our own emotions and that the outside world is neutral. There’s only one moment which is “NOW”. You can either choose an emotion that is loving or an emotion that is unloving. Both are mutually exclusive which means that if you are feeling good, you cannot feel bad at the same time. If you are feeling a negative emotion, you cannot feel a positive emotion at the same time also.


This is the reason

This is the reason I can be happy living alone in a small room, without tv, without computer and without a lover or anything. It is because I can create my own emotions.


Hell Is Other People

Dealing with other people is hell. I cannot help you with that. Most people have family problems or co-worker problems and so on. I cannot help you with other people. Most of the time, I just avoid toxic and unhappy people.