Woo Woo

February Predictions

Disclaimer: This is not real, just for entertainment purposes only. Not financial advice. This is pure fiction.


February Predictions

There’s really nothing to report for February. I didn’t find anything worth talking about. January had a nice energy. New energies flowing to the Earth and it was nice. If you had a terrible time in January, consider eating more green vegetables so that your body can easily absorb the energies.


February Energies

The energies for February should be the same as January. At least for the first half, it should be nice or a continuation. The second half, might be a little screwy for certain people. So enjoy the first half then prepare for the second half. If you did your enlightenment practices, it should be more smooth and flowing.


Divided And Chaotic

There is this energy of division and chaos emanating from the human collective. I’m thinking it is about the election. A lot of the ideas you see or hear about really does not matter. No matter what you do, the shadow elites are going to create a lot of laws that will make you feel trap and unsafe. So you have to do your enlightenment so that you will not feel fear or be part of the chaos.



The shadow elites are closing this part of their agenda. The coverage of COVID in the news and in social media will die down significantly as time passes by. There’s actually a lot of topics that I can write about. Studies are popping out and new statistics also. But those things are just going to create a lot of fear. I have no urge to write also. So I guess, I fulfilled my soul contract in terms of this COVID and V thingy.

The pharmaceutical companies are more into damage control. I see a lot of articles telling people that common things can cause blood clots and heart failure. For example, eggs can cause blood clots now according to cbsnews.


Stock Market

I didn’t find any prediction for the stock market. I think the last one was instability which might mean also that the stock market is going back to the way it used to be. I don’t know.



Nothing for the economy either. I think everyone is just in LaLa land due to the January energies. The energies felt good. It was nice. I think people are getting used to the inflation and getting used to the economy.


Systems Showing Signs Of Collapse

As we get higher, unloving systems and corruption will be easier to see. Unfortunately, we are going to see it in politics, stocks, sports and in gambling. Some sports and games are rigged like certain games in basketball, baseball, and American football are rigged. More and more people are going to wake up to that. Not all games, but a lot of games are rigged. The winner and loser are predetermined.

The human consciousness is getting higher. This can cause insanity or ascension madness to a lot of people who do not do their enlightenment practices. So if you want an easier or smoother time on Earth, do your enlightenment practices. Meditate more. Get away from polarizing topics. Turn off news, and so on.

The shadow elites don’t know how to regress or stop the momentum. They are panicking. So they are going to try more than ever to shake people up. They just keep pushing you and poking you. They do not want you to be at peace or be relaxed. They want you in panic mode. If they cannot stop the ascension, all the systems that they built will collapse. They will lose their power so it is important for them to keep you vibing low and to make you very unhappy.


Talking To My Guardian Angels And Spirit Guides

Since I did not hear any predictions for the economy or the stock market, I asked my spirit guides and angels to predict it. My communication with them is a little clearer now. Just keep in mind, my guides and angels are anti-money for me. They were so proud that I lost money in the stock market. It doesn’t feel like they are opposed to making money right now though. They are more anti-girlfriend right now. They just want me to stay where I am for some reason.


Stock Market

What I got is that the stock market looks good for February. A lot of things are going to go up for the whole month. The SPY right now is at 404. So we will see next month if it is up or down. But they said that it looks good.



Crypto does not look good for February. I got the message that it will go down. BTC is at 23,000 and eth is at 1,575 right now. So if the prediction is correct, it will go down for February.



Economy will still be bad for February. Economy does not look good. There’s no relief at the moment. The elites want people to feel depressed, hopeless, and in despair. The economy will be down for some time.


Is Electric Cars Good For The Environment?

No. Electric cars and batteries are not good for the environment. They are a little bit better than gas but it is still an archaic form of energy. Our problem is not energy but frequency. The human collective frequency is low as such, if we want nice things like free-energy, no violence, no work, free food, free housing, then we need to increase our frequency. The higher, the better.


Anti-Aging Advice

Clean your mind, the mind is the cause of all aging and diseases. If you clean your mind and when you no longer need time, you will no longer age. As long as you need time, as long as you need the future, your body will age. So find happiness right now. Find freedom and completeness right now.