Human Drama Woo Woo


Why does this meme feel so true lol. I think hair loss is caused by radiation. Microwave, wifi, phone, laptop, 5g and so on. This is what my guides told me a long time ago. My guides are pretty good when it comes to health.

I didn’t explain why our foods are poisoned so I’ll do it here.


The Best Foods

The best foods have always been organic foods and animals that experience love. Ever heard of Wagyu beef which is this expensive beef. The way to make that beef is to take extreme care of these cows in Japan. The cows are fed with premium delicious foods, some are imported from other countries, the cows are not allowed to be stressed, some get a massage before going to bed and stuff. All of these things result in a very delicious beef. This is really how we are supposed to eat beef, pork, chicken and other animal products. The animals are meant to be taken cared of really well. This results in a nutritious and very delicious meat.


Our Foods Are Poisoned

We are programmed to believe that the FDA is making sure that there are no bad things in our foods. It is believed that we are so lucky that the FDA is looking out for us. However, if you look at Europe and other countries, they have banned so many chemicals in their foods but the USA allows these chemicals in our food. These chemicals are definitely not good for us. I think these chemicals lead to obesity, decrease in health and so on.


Russia banned GMO foods. Why can’t USA do the same? It is because GMO foods are owned and patented by Monsanto which is owned by this trillion dollar pharmaceutical company called Bayer.

The powerful people in the USA makes money by making its citizens sick. It is how our foods are poisoned. How our medicines have many side-effects. Our organizations are not interested in healing us since one patient cured is one customer gone.

The people at the FDA, they are bought by big pharmaceutical companies. A lot of them become presidents, board representatives, and vice presidents and so on for big pharma. I got a picture of so many people before that went from FDA and then got a lucrative job at pharmaceutical companies. I lost it. I didn’t think it was important.

Anyway, eat natural foods. Avoid processed foods especially right now. You will either get very fat or very sick.