Woo Woo

Guides And Teachers

Guides And Teachers

Life is easier if you can contact your guides and angels. We all have guides and teachers in the spiritual world. They can be angels, archangels, aliens, high vibrational consciousness, Jesus, Mary, Buddha, and so on. They know your life path and destiny. Life is also much easier if you can contact your guides and teachers. They can tell you if things are going to fail, succeed or what you should do.


For Example, In My Life

For example, in my life, there is this person that is really a pain and terrible. This person would try to put people in jail for no apparent reason. This person is sick and so there’s nothing we can do. This person causes a lot of pain and suffering. If I didn’t have my guides and teachers, I would be in pain and suffering right now because this person is just unpredictable. But my guides and teachers are very clear on what I should do. I could ask and communicate with them. They said over and over, “leave this person alone”. No matter how much pain and suffering this person causes others, it is not your job to do something about it. If I leave her alone, nothing will happen to me, and this person will leave me alone also. Don’t talk to this person, don’t be in the same room, don’t have anything to do with this person no matter what. Life has been peaceful ever since I got that advice.

This person has some sort of soul contract with my parents. It has nothing to do with me. So I don’t know what my parents are doing, what they have to learn, why they chose this experience but this has nothing to do with me. I don’t know what kind of belief system they have that caused this also. However, knowing that this has nothing to do with me is very relaxing and relieving. That I could just let go.

People will have soul contracts and challenges that they have created for themselves when they planned their life when they were spirit. It is not our job to stop them from experiencing what they want to experience. It is their job to figure out what their lessons are and what beliefs they have that are causing this.


I have my own lessons

I have my own lessons. I’m broke. What is worst is that there are women that do not mind that I am broke. They will still be with me and marry me. They still want to have kids with me. But something in my mind is preventing me from taking their offers. It is like I sense that I will be miserable if I get into a relationship while I don’t have money.

My guides don’t want me to make money until next year. My guides are not interested in money. It is crazy. They are just interested in enlightenment. So I have my own lessons also that I have to figure out.