Woo Woo

He Crossed The Rainbow Bridge

This post is going to be very spiritual with lots of woo-woo or mysticism.

So my sister’s dog crossed over the rainbow bridge. If he was my dog, he would have lived 3-5 years more. Unfortunately, he is not and his early death was just the product of bad decision making. As far as I could tell, they gave him a diaper, he got sick and they did not fully cure him which led to his slow and gradual health decline.

But the thing is, no one in this house does any form of enlightenment practices. Their heart chakras are very closed so they do not get any intuition or divine guidance. They are not connected to God or to that holy stream of pure love. So for me, I knew that he was dying cause my heart told me so. However, no one could see it other than me, even though I told people, they just didn’t believe it.

Unfortunately, I didn’t have the power to make decisions for him so I knew he was going to die. At first, I tried to give them the dog so they could experience what their decisions lead to. But the dog created a soul contract with me that I have to give it a lot of love. No one wanted to touch the dog also cause he had some form of yeast infection but my heart told me that it was okay to touch him and nothing would happen.

My heart never lies because it is divinely inspired. It is connected to all there is, all there ever will be. So I cared for him when people treated him like a leper. My guides also told me that the soul of the dog wanted to die. So there was really no way to save him and no way to prevent his destiny. I could only make his last days more comfortable and full of love.


The Heart Made Me The Smartest Guy Ever

The heart made me the smartest guy ever. It was able to get me out of the pandemic and made it a lot of fun. I noticed that there are some things that the heart sees that no one can see also. Some things that are common sense to the heart, is like unfathomable to a lot of people. It is a terrible time when the voice of reason and logic and the smartest guy that can lead people to salvation or less pain is an unemployed guy that does not make any money. Who would believe such a man? Well, the people that did made a lot of money in the stock market.


The Heart Could Sense His Soul

When he passed away, I could sense his soul. He wasn’t the sickly dog that couldn’t move anymore. What I sensed was a younger, energetic and more youthful version of him. His soul just kept running around, circling around me. He is on Earth just trying to be near me. That is what I sensed. So I asked my guides to take him to heaven. I sensed him going to heaven. Currently, he is in some sort of waiting room.

When my first dog died, this also happened. I sensed him going to some sort of waiting room. I believe souls go there to get cleaned like removing the dark energies as if they get a spa treatment. They will then get a life review. Afterwards, they get out. They become more loving. So for my first dog, after he got out, I can use my heart to sense him again. He would bark then send out a loving energy as if he was really close by.

So my sister’s dog is in this waiting room and that he shouldn’t be bothered. He should come out in a few months.

I don’t know if you will believe me but that is what I experienced. I wouldn’t believe me either since after life is some sort of mystery. But I’m pretty sure that no one really dies. We are all eternal beings.


I Have Spiritual Gifts

I have spiritual gifts now. They blossomed this year. I can talk to any dead guy or person as long as they have gone through that waiting room. My heart can translate the energy. If they did not go through the spa treatment, they still have anger, and negative emotions so I don’t want to make a connection with them. So if I want to talk to Jesus, God, Buddha, Moses, Steve Jobs, and so on, I could do it. They do not say anything that is useful to making money so there’s really no reason to talk to them. The common messages would be- be still, I love you all, all is good all is well, nothing to fear, there is no death, love is all there is. Nothing about money whatsoever.

I get the feeling that most of them are just watching the human race like an entertainment show and looking at it to see where we would go.

I don’t know if you will believe I have spiritual gifts but it is what it is. My heart still needs improvement, the connection is not yet crystal clear and can be hijacked by negative entities.


So What Does The Heart Tell Me Now?

The heart is just telling me to get a job and get out of this place. But I understand now why my heart and my guides didn’t want me to get a job this year. I had to take care of the dog. It was some sort of soul contract that I had to fulfill. Last year I couldn’t get a job also because of the vaccine mandate. Anyway, taking care of the dog was full of effort. Every time I wake up at night, I have to get up and check up on him. He would be in another part of the room, and he cannot get back to his bed because he is weak. He just stays there until I pick him up. He may even pee on his own body.

When the dog started dying, my guides started pushing me to get a job because my contract would soon be over. Now that the dog is gone, I can get a job now and there is this sense of urgency to get one as soon as possible also. Like I have to get away from this place as soon as possible.