Woo Woo

I Realized Why I Gained Weight

It is the words that I kept saying. I kept saying. “I need to lose weight. I need to lose weight.” I kept saying these words over and over. So I created that reality where I always have to lose weight. The correct way to say it is that “I love my beautiful body. A beautiful body is lean, energetic and full of life.” I could also say, “I have a beautiful body”. Something like that so that I attract it into my life. I could also say that “my body is lean” or something similar.


She looks good. Nice healthy body that is very attractive. I am going to get leaner. I’m currently doing my resume so I can get a job. So that takes priority first but I’ll definitely will make my body leaner and healthier. I think I lost 5 pounds already though just eating healthy, so I’ll just continue that for now.