Woo Woo

I sense a great disturbance in the force

I sense a great disturbance in the force as if a million voices cried out in terror and then silenced. – From star wars.

I sensed this energy. I can sense energy now for some reason. Not all the time though but more like once in a blue moon. Anyway, it is like people are in great worry and terror. It is like their world is burning down. Probably inflation is hitting people really hard. I sensed so much fear.

These social media apps, they represent the minds of the human collective. Twitter represents the insanity of people. Instagram represents the obsession with our bodies. Tiktok is both. They are good things about these apps also. Always ups and downs. Anyway, I sensed that the insanity of the egoic mind is increasing. Like people in twitter are getting more insane. It is as if humanity is in a stage of hopelessness, fear, distraught and lots of anger. So much anger. On the good news, the human collective frequency is increasing which means that the people who are in fear will continue to keep going to the abyss like they will become more miserable. The people who are happy is increasing their happiness also.

I’m the dog in the picture. The world maybe burning down. People’s lives are being rearranged. But I’m just sipping my beverage. I’m just here to watch the world burn or just here to watch what humanity is going to create. I’m not a direct participant. I’m just a watcher.

Tell me when it is over. I’m just here chilling and sipping my tea.