Woo Woo

I Would Meditate And Ask About

I would meditate and try to talk to my spirit guides and guardian angels. I would often get a yes or no answer. Of course, I don’t know if this is real or might just be my ego/mind talking. Anyway, here are the questions I asked.


Will I be rich this year? Answer: No.

Can I have a normal life this year? No.

Really? Just something normal like a normal job, normal friends, be with a girl normally? No

Can I get a stable job, live in a small apartment, and start dating? No.

Can I get a normal or stable job this year? No.

Can I get a stable or normal job in some other states? No.

Will I have a girlfriend this year? No.

Will I start dating? No.

Will I write a book this year? No.

Will the universe or God help me be creative this year? No.

Will this particular girl go out with me? No. Will she sleep with me or have friends with benefits with me? Yes, once every few months or so. How? Silence.

I go with another girl. Will this particular girl go out with me? No. Will she sleep with me or have friends with benefits with me? Yes, once every few months or so. How? Silence.

This would be the answer for almost all the women except for this girl in the west coast. All I got was yes for her. So I asked. Can I get a job in the west coast, live in a small apartment, and be with this girl? Answer: No.

Will I be rich in the future? Yes. Soon.

Will I have girlfriend? Yes. Soon.

Once I have lots of money, will I become a player or family man? Family.

Will I write a popular book in the future? Possible.


After asking a lot of questions, it seems they just want me to stay where I am. There is some kind of positive energy flowing where I am. There is some sort of portal 10 blocks from where I live that emanates peaceful energy. They just want me to cultivate peace.

It seems that this place is the best place to do that. If it is not broken, don’t fix it. It is what I am getting. Once this place is no longer peaceful, I can leave. They would help me create a similar or better life somewhere else. It seems that being with any girl that is interested in me will not give me more peace. So their stance is for me to stay here.

Once I am done with cultivating peace, can I become rich? Yes.

Will I end up with this girl? No.

This girl? No.

How about this girl? No.

It seems I get a “no” for all girls. So I think I will meet someone new.

Well, that is the end. Anything is possible. I don’t fully trust my guides and angels. They have their own agendas. I look at other people’s guides and angels also. They would flat out lie to the human being cause the person’s ego cannot handle the truth so it is sugar coated with lies. There is this annoying energy that is blocking me from making money also. It just won’t leave, it is like I am cursed. The good news is that I look young, and I seem to be aging slowly. So I will play their games for now since I did not experience pain in the last few years. The last few years were actually really good. Once I get betrayed, then I will make different decisions and different choices.