Woo Woo

January Predictions And Predictions For Year 2023

Disclaimer: This is for a book I am writing. Completely fiction. For entertainment purposes only.


Bad Stuff Or Good Stuff?

I am usually more into the bad stuff. The good stuff has no use for me because my mind is always in the aether or I am always feeling good emotions. I can just pay attention to my breath and I would feel good. However, when talking about the bad stuff, you should pay attention to your vibration because you may attract these things to your life. They may come true for you. You may attract that timeline that all these bad stuff happens because you put it into your consciousness.


For The Year 2023

For 2023, it is going to be chaos, financial instability, crazy, hopelessness and so on. If you think 2020 is bad and we are going to go back to normality, think again. I said, this over and over, it will never go back to normal for decades. It is going to keep getting bad then worst, then terrible. This year, the keyword is to prepare. I recommend people to prepare.

So practice certainty for 2023. Be the few people who emanate certainty in their aura or in their inner world in a planet that is filled with uncertainty.



Economy will be bad for the first 6 months. It may continue for the rest of the year. Lots of people are going to experience financial instability. I don’t know what financial instability means. Does that mean people will have days where money is good and days where money is bad? Or does that mean money will be bad for a lot of people? I don’t know.



I didn’t get any certain prediction for the stock market but I got a prediction for crypto. The prediction was that crypto is not dead. It is going to go up when the market picks up. Only for the two most popular crypto though and I think that is Bitcoin and Ethereum. This may not happen in 2023 though.

For stocks, I get instability for 2023. Maybe all time highs, all time lows. Lots of winners, lots of losers. That is what I believe but the word is instability. It is going to be hard to predict since we have 12 months. I think that is what it means for financial instability.


One Currency To Rule Them All

The one currency to rule them all may start at 2024 or next year as a solution to all of these financial instability. It is called the Central Bank Digital Currency. I’ve talked about it before.


Rent And Inflation

Rent will increase in the first 6 months for a lot of people. It is something about mortgage rates or something increasing. I don’t know enough about this. The end result will be rent increasing. Inflation will keep increasing for a few months also. Not sure when it will end.


New Beliefs

January is a good time to create new beliefs. The old belief systems not going to serve you anymore since they are low vibration. A lot of low vibration beliefs are just going to go away. So this January is a good time to create new beliefs that will serve you and throw away old beliefs that are no longer useful.


New Inventions

It is really a great time for new inventions like cure for cancer, pollution free energy, zero point energy and so on. Lots of creativity coming in. However, a lot of the good stuff are not going to be public. The shadow elites are going to be killing people who are doing these research. They are going to suddenly die, heart attack, suicide and so on. But lots of people are going to be doing these types of research which will be very very hard for them to silence. So in the upcoming years, we will have more cures and more inventions that really help humanity.

January is a good time for creativity. If you want to create something, invent something or whatever, January is a good time.


New Virus Or New Disease

There is a high probability of a new virus or disease coming out this year. I am just connecting the dots together. Some predictions, they just tell you what to do but they don’t say the cause of it. If I connect all the dots together, it points to a very deadly disease coming out this year. Most likely a lot deadlier than COVID.

Some say that there was a depopulation agenda that happened in 2022 and they did not get the numbers so they will try harder this year. Not sure if any of that is true. So many weird stuff in this type of subject that I don’t pay attention to. But be careful for 2023.


Boost Your Immune System

January is a good time to boost your immune system. This is going to be different for everyone. Everyone has different body and not one thing will be suitable for everyone. For me, Vitamin D, Zinc, Quercetin, Bromelain, and vitamin C works well for me. Eat your vegetables, exercise, and stay away from unhealthy foods this year. I like broccoli as a way to boost the immune system. Juices are good also. Focus on improving your immune system this January. This has been said by multiple people so this is very important. Pay more attention to this.


Wim Hof

I like the Wim Hof method also. When people first started it, sometimes they would feel that they will get a cold or flu but when they do the deep breathing exercises, the disease goes away. So that is one way people know that this works. The breathing in this one is very important. I think you only need to do it for a year and the benefits will stay with you forever. For my body, this worked really well. You should talk to your Doctor.


Myocarditis And Low Birth Rates

People going to keep dying from myocarditis in 2023 and going to have low birth rates also.


Presidential Election

I keep hearing the word “shock.” People are going to be shocked. I don’t know what that means. If Republicans win then Democrats will be shock or if Democrats win, Republicans will be shocked? Is that what this means? I don’t know what shock means.

The predictions from liberals or pro-democrat people never comes true like they say Trump will not run for president but he did. So I don’t really want to mention their predictions. Their ego gets in the way. Some of them have Trump Deranged Syndrome which gets in the way. On the other side, no one talks about Biden. It is like he does not matter.

From my observation, humanity has two thought processes. People believe that if Trump dies then everything goes back to normal which is not true. People also believe that if he becomes the President again, everything goes back to normal which is not true either. It will never go back to normal for a long long time. For decades.


School System Starting To Collapse

The school system will show more cracks or more evidence of collapsing. The kids are not going to be interested in school. Most of the children will not want to finish high school. This will continue for centuries. As year passes, more and more children will not want to be in school.


Blackout For 2-3 Weeks

There maybe a blackout or lack of power for 2-3 weeks this year. So be sure to have enough food for 2-3 weeks because you may have a difficult time getting food for that time. The government or relief will come after some time.


Ancient Civilizations

So if you are into ancient civilizations, this is a good time for you. Antarctica will melt some more and there will be structures there from ancient civilizations. The shadow elites are going to cover it up as soon as possible. They are trying to block satellites, apps like google maps, and so on. But if you like ancient civilizations, 2023 is a good time to look for them.



More UFO disclosure, information and disinformation coming out this year. More people going to film UFO. So if you like UFO, you will see more clips from phones about them. If you are interested in these type of things, you will have lots of material to entertain yourself with.


Natural Disasters

Going to be lots of natural disasters in the East of the planet. So it is going to be Japan, Philippines, Australia and so on. Somewhere around those parts, going to be lots of natural disasters like floods, earth quakes, tsunami, volcanoes and so on.


Pole Shifts

The poles are shifting. This is going to keep changing the weather. The higher the vibration of humanity, the more the poles will shift. There will be weird weather patterns like snow in places that don’t have snow or snow in the summer. Weather instability will start appearing more and more as years passes by.


New Climate Change Laws

There is going to be some new climate change laws that will be implemented in 2023. More laws that restrict people’s freedom, make some companies billions of dollars, climate change taxes, lockdowns and so on.



A good example of transhumanism is Alita Battle Angel. The world in that movie is full of transhumanism. Transhumanism is the belief that you need science and technology for humanity to evolve or to become perfect like getting rid of aging, jumping higher, computing faster and so on.

Transhumanism agenda is going to be more on people’s radar this 2023. Elon Musk has his own transhumanism technology and he is starting to make it known to the public. It is definitely going to help people. To me, the mRNA vax, gene therapy, muscle steroids and so on are all transhumanism.

If you want to change your eye color, get bigger muscles, be skinnier and so on, it will be possible through transhumanism. We will see those types of technology in the next few years.



In enlightenment, the human body is perfect. The best way I can explain this is for everyone to understand is. The closer you are to God, the less you will need anything. The farther you are from God, the more you will need something to survive. It basically means, the higher you vibrate, the closer you get to the perfect human body. The lower your vibration, the more you will rely on outside things to create a perfect human body.

In enlightenment, the human body is perfect. The mind is not. The body gets diseases because the mind is messed up. When you vibrate higher, you can teleport, levitate, fly, and so on by using your mind. But if you are low, you will rely on technology to for transportation, to make you fly, keep you alive and so on. I think that is a good explanation.

Anyway, if you see transhumanism, you should be wary of it. Like let other people try it out for a few years before you try it out. It is not something most people will need.


For The Good Stuff

If you have done your enlightenment and you keep practicing everyday, 2023 will be a great year for you. Your mind should be able to handle a lot of stuff. I don’t know about financially, my angels and guides are often anti-money. But if you did your enlightenment, you should experience very good feelings like satisfaction, absolute contentment, and you would have this sense that all of your beliefs are very stable. Like they serve you very well this year, previous years and for the next couple of future years. It is like they are pillars that hold your world, the pillars are very stable, concrete, unyielding so your inner world doesn’t shake and your outer world does not shake also.

You will get a sense that you are way ahead of humanity in a sense that nothing puts you into deep fear or despair. Humanity is trying to catch up to that kind of sense or feeling. You are going to get a sense that you are ready for better feelings and ready for more positive feelings coming from within rather than from the outside world.


New High Vibrational Energies

New high vibrational energies coming in this year which means chaos for a lot of people. The beliefs that you have that are very low will betray you and create chaos in your world. Low vibrational beliefs will surface, your fears will surface, and you have to conquer your fears.

This is a good year to create healthy boundaries for yourself. Hang out with people that are happy or sane. Avoid people prone to misery, conflict, and such. Focus on your mind and ways to keep it silent. When the mind is silent, clarity comes in which feels really good also.

For people that have done their enlightenment, these energies will feel good. In the end, it is always the same. If you did not do your enlightenment, more chaos, pain and confusion. If you did your enlightenment, less chaos, less pain, less confusion, and you will feel good.


Human Ascension Momentum

Human consciousness is picking up momentum in terms of ascension or feeling good. The Earth is vibrating higher, we are getting bombarded with high vibrational energies from the sun, central sun is also bombarding us, and aliens are creating portals to give us high vibrational energies. Lightworkers are maintaining their high vibration. So there is this big momentum for humanity to shift.

The only thing that is going to mess this up is us. Each of us will have to make a choice either we want to feel good or we want to feel bad. So we may see some really terrifying things for 2023 from the shadow elites to stop humanity’s ascension.

This reminds me of LOTR when the forces of darkness broke through the gate. Seeing those trolls are probably terrifying for the soldiers. You will be seeing some really terrifying stuff in this year and the next couple of years.

Your one and only job is to feel good no matter what the outside world is. Your inner world must be filled with sunshine and rainbows so even if the outside world is crap, you will feel good. You have to really pay attention to your beliefs and your emotions.

Well, good luck for 2023, try not to get into fear too much.