Woo Woo

July Predictions

Disclaimer: This is not real. This is pure fiction. This has nothing to do with real life. This is only for fun and should not be taken seriously. This is not financial advice. This is pure nonsense. For entertainment purposes only. I am just talking to myself.


More And More Energies Coming In

More and more positive energies coming into Earth. Earth is evolving so everything on Earth needs to evolve also. You will either choose to evolve with the Earth or suffer. You only have two choices- love or fear. If you are choosing love, you will feel good. If you are choosing fear, you will feel bad. Either you choose love and evolve with the Earth or choose fear and suffer.


Pain, Discomfort and Sickness

People who cannot relinquish their negative beliefs will start feeling pain, discomfort and sickness in their bodies. This has always been the case but since lots of energies are coming in, humanity will experience these in an alarming rate. You either get higher or stay low and get sicker and sicker. Again, your body will manifest the sickness in your mind. If you don’t know what your negative belief is, you can always google your sickness or discomfort. Type “spiritual cause of obesity”, and so on. It should give you an idea of the negative belief that you have or at least lead you in a good direction.


There Will Always Be A Pattern

Your negative belief will always have a pattern and this is how you know that the mind can cause circumstances in your life. It could be an abusive lover over and over, grievances with your acquaintances or family members, and so on. You will feel the same negative emotion over and over. You can think of a belief as a program. A program creates an output and if you get the same output all the time, then you have a program or belief that is deeply embedded in your mind. Some of these programs are indoctrinated into your mind since you were a child and as such, they will be very difficult to heal or remove. However, pain is a big motivation. The pain that you experience is the output of the beliefs that you have. Either remove the negative belief or suffer pain. Negative beliefs are easy to spot. If you have a negative belief, whenever you think about it, it will feel bad. The pattern will keep getting worst and worst as time passes by.


There Are No Accidents

There are no accidents in this universe. You created your world whether you know it or not. There are infinite timelines, and infinite avatars of the people you know. The person that is annoying you right now or the person that you hate, in another timeline, that person is someone you look up to. However, you attracted this annoying person instead due to your negative beliefs. That person is showing you a negative belief that you have. It is the result of your belief system.

For example, you may have started hating your wife or lover. In another timeline, you maybe deeply in love with that person. However, you attracted a timeline with this person that you hate instead because of your negative belief system. If you divorce and attract another lover and you ended up hating that person again for the same reasons as your ex-lover then you know that you have something negative in your mind. It keeps manifesting in your life. This world is perfect. There are no accidents. What you see in the world is what you have within.

If you change your belief system, the person that you are having problems with will also change.


Stocks And Crypto

There are no major changes in crypto. It is either side ways or red. Some say that lots of whales are selling bitcoin but some also say it is oversold also. Crypto is going to be very volatile for a while. They say that stocks maybe green. Some stocks at least that have been red for a while may experience some green. The overall outlook for stocks is very weak like we will experience a lot of red in the years to come. Like major red, like a bloodbath. There will be times or months that it will be green then it will fall heavily down again.

The recommendation has always been that you buy a certain amount of coins and leave it for 10 years. BTC and ETH are obviously going to skyrocket whenever crypto gets a bull run. However, people don’t get them because 10x is going to be very hard while alt coins, 10x is a lot more possible since they are cheap. But alt coins are also very volatile and they go red even when bitcoin is sideways. When money becomes digital, crypto will have time to shine. In that time, it is recommended to have a certain amount of alt coins since they will blow up also. So accumulate the coins now while they are cheap and just leave it for 10 years.


Gold And Silver

Gold and silver will always be the best and safe investment. Physical gold, not stocks. A lot of people are buying gold also. I remember Walmart sold their own gold and it was sold out rather quickly. Gold last year was at $1,800 and now it is at $2300. Gold will just keep going up and up. It is not going to go down. Central banks already purchased their gold and they are still buying more.

Buy a safe. Put weights in there so people cannot lift it like even if your house gets invaded while you are gone, they cannot lift it. Just put the gold in there. Gold will 10x or more in 10 years. Gold will be worth 15k-20k in a decade. Gold is expensive also so not a lot of us can buy it but it is the safest investment. The dollar will lose its value but gold will keep getting higher.


Presidential Election

There must be a lot of Biden clones. Either clones or skin mask. He looks different every time and he sounds different also. There will be one face when he is live and then when he talks with a private audience, he looks different. Even the selfies that he takes in private look different.

The governor of NY also looks like she is wearing some sort of skin mask. Like these people are weird. We know that they are evil but dang, the evil that they are doing must be way beyond even in our imagination.

Anyway, the prediction is still that Biden is not going to run in November. It is either Michelle Obama or Gavin Newsom. We will know in August or when they start campaigning in the Fall. If Biden is campaigning in August then he will run. If not, then he will be replaced by someone else.

Keep in mind that the government is really just a reflection of the human collective belief system. The politicians represent greed which people in USA have. So no matter who gets elected or even if the whole government gets replaced, it doesn’t matter. It will still be the same as long as people have low vibrational beliefs. If people start vibing higher or become more loving, the government, no matter what form it takes, will start vibing higher or become more loving also. If people do not change, the government, no matter what form it takes, will also will not change.

So no matter who wins in the election, it is a representation of our belief system as a collective. Biden is there to show that our politicians are just puppets of others. It is easy to see that Biden is not the president and that other people are controlling him. It is the same for all politicians. Like I said, Earth is evolving. The human collective is evolving with her. What lurks in the shadows will come to light so that they can be healed or replaced.