Woo Woo

June Predictions

Disclaimer: This is pure fiction. This is not real. This is for a book I am writing. Nothing to do with real life. This is not financial advice. I am just talking to myself.


Energy For June

The energy for June and for the rest of the year is not going to be very kind for people who have victimized beliefs. Basically, if you believe that you can become a victim, other people can become a victim and so on, then you will have a very hard time in the next few months. This energy just clashes with negative beliefs such as victimization.

For me, it feels good. It is nice. It feels very comfortable and very loving. Nice stuff.


Humanity Is Ascending

Humanity is doing great when it comes to vibrating higher and getting happier. We have a pretty good momentum. We are purging a lot of negative energies and our bodies are getting lighter. So our bodies should be healthier and live longer. Life expectancy should increase by a lot. But at the same time, a lot of souls will not be able to handle this energy so their bodies will die and they will go back to the after life.

The shadow elites are currently panicking. They don’t know how to stop it. They need to convince you to be miserable. However, if you are not watching the news, staying away from polarizing ideas, and just focusing on enjoying your life then they cannot affect you at all. Power is shifting away from rich powerful people and it is moving into the masses more. People will have more power and will be more united than ever.


Enlightenment Or Spirituality Does Not Have Morality

Enlightenment or Spirituality does not have morality. It does not say to love others. There’s nothing you need to do. Nothing you need to become. Nothing you need to prove. Everything is within. It just says to create feel good emotions which is basically love or loving emotions but that doesn’t mean you have to love others. You can just love yourself. You can do whatever you want.

You can be in conflict with others. Tell people to go f*ck themselves. You can be greedy. You can be selfish. You can do anything you want that society thinks is morally unacceptable. In enlightenment, this world does not matter. This world is meaningless. There is no past, there is no future. There’s nothing to gain and nothing to lose. It is all an illusion.

People think that if you do enlightenment, you will be nice to them. Or that you will be a good and moral person and so on. There’s nothing like that. There’s nothing you need to do. You can do whatever you want to do.


There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so

For example, let’s say you break up with your lover and you felt bad. You felt bad that your ex-lover cried or that you broke her heart. So what does enlightenment say here? It says that you should reevaluate the situation. It is not that the action is wrong but the way you are thinking about it is wrong. If you feel bad, you should reevaluate or rethink the situation. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. This is the reason why you reevaluate your beliefs because your beliefs are making you feel bad. It is not that the action is wrong, it is your thinking that is wrong.



Crypto is not stable for June. So it is going to be rather volatile. So it may or may not be a good idea to buy this month. There’s too much volatility to tell or predict. I think last year, we said that crypto is not dead and it will keep going up. Then in New Year Prediction or 6 months ago, we said again that crypto is good but we don’t know if it will go up this year. Well, if you bought stuff at that time, you would have been up by 60% by now which is a lot.

The same thing still. Only BTC and ETH are recommended. Some recommend Cardano. I have Cardano. I bought it at 3 dollars. It is now 30 cents. Cardano is very cheap. If I have money, I would get Cardano right now. Some say that it is good also and that it will keep going up. So if you are looking to buy crypto, look at Cardano since it is pretty cheap right now.



Same thing with stocks. It is going to be volatile and unstable. We said last month that real estate is going to keep getting better. If you bought real estate stocks last month, you would have made 20-30% right now. However, for June, it is not clear. Stocks will be volatile. June has that report also which affects stocks.


Gold And Silver

Gold and silver is still the best investment that people recommend. They say it is very cheap right now also. It has to do with the financial collapse that people predicting. They say it is going to happen. It may not happen in the next presidency though. But I think in the next next presidential term, it will happen. So somewhere between 2028 and 2032, there will be a financial collapse. It is still a long time. I will be 50 years old by that time. OMG! I feel so old now lol. I don’t really look old whenever I look at myself in the mirror but wow, 50 years old. Anyway, it is going to be similar to The Great Depression. Basically, money will become useless or that the value of money will plummet.

It is recommended to get a minimum of $50,000 worth of physical gold and silver. So for me, I most likely cannot get 50k. I will probably get 20k to 30k. We still have time. We have 5-7 years still left. Maybe I’ll invest 3-5k per year on gold and silver once I get a job.


Financial Collapse

When the financial collapse happen, there will be job shortages, food shortages, water shortages and so on. It is the worst thing that can happen to the USA unless you get hit by an earthquake, floods, or natural disaster which can happen. Unfortunately, it looks like financial collapse is going to happen since everyone is talking about it. We have time though. We can still save up and we can still create plans on what to do. The collapse should lasts for a decade or more so it is definitely going to be devastating. Definitely, do research on physical gold and silver investments. If I have money, I would buy a lot right now while it is still very cheap.


The Next Pandemic

The one we have to worry about first is the next pandemic which can happen next year. The last pandemic happened during the election time and it can happen in election time again. The next pandemic is most likely Candida Auris. I hope you are all taking care of your gut. This is also the solar plexus chakra. If you feel powerful, you are in a good condition. If you feel powerless then you have a lot of beliefs to purge and you are behind on your enlightenment practices, introspection and stuff. So you have to start doing them religiously.

The thing is that I don’t worry about diseases so I haven’t really done much research. I always think I am immune to these things. But I’ll make a contingency plan for this in case it does happen.


No Stimulus Checks

There will be no stimulus checks when this pandemic happens. There will just be a lot of isolation. You will be forced to stay home. Government will tell you to stay home and stuff. There will be no vaccine or drug for it. People in the USA have that mentality like they expect to just go to a doctor and this doctor will make everything better with a pill. People don’t want to exercise, don’t want to eat healthy, and so on. They just want to take pills for some reason. I think we talked about this also like a long long time ago. Well, there’s no pill for this unfortunately.


Lab Grown Meat

It looks like we are going into that timeline where lots of people are going to die or get sick from lab grown meat. Italy has banned lab grown meat in their country.

They handled covid really well. Maybe they have insider information. Last I heard, cancer cells are being used to create these types of meat. It is because cancer cells multiply in a very fast rate which allows people to create meat. I wouldn’t touch these meat. I warned everyone before. It is not going to be pretty.


Climate Change

The only thing to worry about when it comes to climate change is if you live in a place near the ocean. You may get flooded. It is most likely not going to happen for another decade or two. We still have lots of time.

The consciousness of Earth is a lot bigger than the human consciousness. The Earth does not need your help. Lots of human civilizations have been destroyed and Earth has witnessed them. Humanity had gone through various resets or technological reset and the Earth is not damaged whatsoever. The Earth consciousness views people like a dog views ticks. You are very small. Earth has already killed countless lives and and destroyed a multitude of cities in the past decade. Earth can wipe humanity if it wanted. It does not need your help. You should not sacrifice yourself for the Earth. It will only be in vain.