Woo Woo

June Predictions 2024

Disclaimer: This is not real. This is pure fiction. This has nothing to do with real life. This is only for fun and should not be taken seriously. This is not financial advice. This is pure nonsense. For entertainment purposes only. I am just talking to myself.


Status Of Humanity

Humanity is doing very well. You may look at the world and it is in chaos or lots of things are happening that you do not want but a lot of these do not matter. Your entertainment or shows maybe decreasing in quality but you don’t really need entertainment. You will find that you don’t need a lot of things that the world is offering so that you will look within and find completeness there. As the world turns upside down, you may feel that you have no control whatsoever but this is not true. All of the challenges that you will encounter in this world are chosen by you. You chose this life, you chose these challenges, and you chose your destiny. Everything that you see and will see are planned by you. You never lost control.


Positive Energies Are Increasing

The Earth is being bombarded by positive energies and this is what is creating chaos and ascension. As people deal with their darkness and negative beliefs, their souls expand, the collective human consciousness expands, and each person ascends or their body gets higher in terms of vibration.

Everyone will be dealing with a lot of stuff. If you do not make peace with them, you may find yourself accumulating problems. You will be dealing with challenges that you have failed in other lifetimes or incarnations. You may find yourself in horrible situations that you do not want. But all of these are planned by you. You have planned your life and all of these challenges before you came to Earth. You created your destiny and you created these challenges.

You have a very big advantage compared to others since you found this place and because I am amazing. You have the tools that you need to solve these challenges. You will be able to ask the right questions when situations in your life happen. What did I do to manifest this? What have I been watching or consuming? Which beliefs created this scenario? Do I believe in sacrifice, victimization, drama, bullying, superiority, poverty, war, attacking people and so on? In this moment, do I feel love or do I feel bad (fear)? Is my mind filled with worry or is it enjoying this moment right now? You have a very big advantage compared to others when you realize that you created these challenges and these challenges are meticulously planned by you to be solved and to be at peace with.

Other people wouldn’t ask these questions. They will blame their problems on others, blame their problems on the politicians, blame themselves, and so on. So their problems keep recycling over and over because they do not know how to fix their minds.


It Is Not Going To End

You will keep getting challenges. It is not going to end. However, the intensity will decrease as you do your enlightenment practices. You are not going to be swamped or accumulating challenges. You have the tools to figure out how you are causing your own suffering.


Life Becomes Easier

Life becomes easier when you stop trying to change the outside world so that you can be happy but by changing the world within. Stop trying to change people. They have their own guidance, and they created their own challenges. Stop trying to save them from experiencing things they want to experience. It is not your job to save the world. The world has already been saved. The world is always perfect. There’s nothing wrong with the world. We are all just playing roles in a grand dramatic play with our own make-believe names and jobs that never really existed. If people believe in Biden, believe in Trump, conservative, liberal, or they believe in Christianity, Islam, protestant or whatever. Allow people to believe what they want to believe. Allow them to have the life that they have designed.


Energy For June

The energy update has been wrong for me lately so I don’t really pay much attention to this anymore. June is about spiritual gifts. Basically, most people will start experiencing synchronicities and urges which basically means you will notice that the universe is helping you out some way or some form. You may get a free parking spot the moment you arrive to your work or restaurant. You get urges to do stuff like create a business, learn new things, or enjoy new things. You will just notice that the physical world is not all there is. There is a spiritual world or a world of nothingness that is in the background.

If you look at the sky at night. You will notice stars, moon and empty space. If you look at this paragraph, it cannot exist without space. Objects cannot exist without space. The physical world cannot exist without nothingness. The simple truth is that there is only nothingness. The physical world is just an illusion.


Stocks And Crypto

Keep in mind, there are infinite amount of futures. So these futures may not happen.

Crypto is sideways. No big changes for June. There won’t be any significant rally until 2026 or middle of 2025. Great time to buy crypto. Avoid the meme coins like doge, shiba inu coin, and so on. Crypto is going to be taken seriously in the future or in 2030+ so meme coins are going to fade. The affordable crypto right now that have great chances to blow up are- cardano, xrp, and solana. Terra, Green Bitcoin and Scotty AI are good also but it is hard to get it. You have to get a crypto wallet.

Crypto wallet is pretty new. They going to get hacked a lot but once it happens, it will become more safe and secure. So best time to get crypto with wallets is maybe next year. So once lots of hacks happen, crypto will fall then go back up again.

Stocks don’t look good. They won’t look good for some time. Crypto has tremendous amounts of possibility but they will be sideways for a while.


Gold And Silver

Gold and silver are still some of the best investments. If you look at gold in 1900s, you can buy a good house with 4-5 kg of gold. It is the same right now, 1kg = $75k. You can buy a good house with 4-5 kg of gold. Gold does not lose its value. It is because the aliens use gold for technology. Humanity is selling gold to various alien races. Gold and silver will never be obsolete because lots of aliens use them.


Money And The Future

The future of humanity is going to be digital. The amount of bullcrap that is going to happen to the dollar is going to be crazy. Like if you don’t have any other type of currency, you will find yourself worrying a lot. The banks are not going to be safe. They will get hacked. They will be bankrupt. Banks will shutdown and so on. You may have money in the bank but you will not be able to get them. The shadow elites are experimenting and looking at what is going to happen. They are practicing with Cuba and other countries.


Trump And Biden

Biden is still predicted to win. I’m looking at Biden’s speeches. I’ve never seen a guy get cloned so many times than this guy. There’s like so many clones that have distorted faces and weird body type. It is clearly multiple people. Their voices have similarities but clearly different also.


Trump is endorsing bitcoin and crypto. If he wins, we can see a big boom in crypto. So for November, if Trump wins, might be a good time to buy crypto. Unfortunately, he is predicted to lose. The prediction can be wrong so the presidential election is definitely a good bullish signal if Trump wins.