Woo Woo

Let’s Go Over The Ideas And Trump Assassination

Let’s go over the ideas that are being spread in the USA.



I said this before, a soul does not have a gender. The soul is neither male nor female. The soul can be anything. Anytime you identify as a male, you will be in duality. You will experience joy, and pain in believing that you are male. It is the same for believing that you are a female. You will experience joy and pain with that belief. If you know that you are a soul, you will no longer be in duality so you will only experience peace, joy and love. It is identification with form or object as opposed to identification with spirit. There is no such thing as form, objects or mind, it is all just an illusion.

If you are a trans, and you want people to accept who you are, that is going to cause you a lot of pain. Every time you look into the outside world for happiness or acceptance, you will sadly be disappointed. You are giving your power away. You are basically saying that my happiness is in the hands of others and I am powerless so I have to control them and make them do what I say. You have to look within. Every one of us will have to find the soul within that is neither male nor female.


People Don’t Have A Problem With Ideas

Generally, people do not have a problem with ideas because they are just ideas. Do you care if people are worshipping Allah, Jesus or whatever? Most of us do not care. It is the same thing with ideas, most people do not care about what other people believe in.

What people have a problem with is the Government. It is the laws that come with these ideas. These ideas are being spread, not because they are good for the people but because they are a precursor towards more laws and less freedom. The government, politicians and news, do not care about the people. But most people are still stuck with combatting ideas or agreeing to these ideas that they could not see that it is the laws that they have a problem with. It is really the politicians and government that is the culprit.


Laws On Speech

Pronouns for example should not be a law. There should be no law on speech. This is obviously the start of government censorship and imprisoning people for going against the government. The shadow elite will always use marginalized people to create laws but they don’t care about them. Once they are done and have the laws, they will look for other marginalized people and abandon the previous one. Now, LGBTQ is a symbol of oppression for a lot of people rather than freedom of expression. The amount of laws that came out of this is crazy. Not to mention taxes, foreign aid and money laundering. If the government truly cared for LGBTQ, then their lives would have been a lot better.

Laws on speech mean that people agreed that people or themselves should be silenced. Laws on speech would never happen if there’s not enough people who agreed on it in terms of human consciousness. So enough people believe that censorship by the government is a good thing. This is going to cause a lot of pain but this world is really just a play or movie and certain situations have to happen so humanity can experience or learn from it.


Puberty Blockers

These puberty blockers and surgery for minors are a trend. Unfortunately, it is a trend that have severe and permanent repercussions. Cutting off your breast, using hormones, surgery and so on, can be really bad for the body. The side effects are often permanent.

Unfortunately, a lot of people experience gender dysphoria when they are in their teenage years. They would go to these forums or tiktok, and people are going to tell these minors to get surgery. They will promote clinics, say that there are no side effects, they can always go back and so on. These people will convince others that they are not male or female and that they should get surgery. They do it without blinking an eye. They think the more trans, the better. So you are going to have a lot of teenagers that is going to regret their decisions. It is because it is a trend. It is trending to be trans. Being cis male or cis female is bad but being trans is good.

Unfortunately, big pharmaceutical companies are most likely promoting these trends. If people get into hormone therapy, big pharma will have a customer for life. If a person transitions, big pharma will have a customer for life. You will keep paying big pharma money as long as you are alive.


Are There Differences Between Men And Women

Of course there are. Men and women are different. If you think otherwise, you are either brainwashed or delusional.

Even if you look at the divine masculine and divine feminine, they are both different. The fact that there is a divine masculine and divine feminine means that the two are different. Women have a lot of divine feminine and men have a lot of divine masculine. That is just the majority. Sure, there will be a few women that have a lot of divine masculine or males that have lots of divine feminine but such cases are rare.

Women in our timeline have to deal with victimization and men will have to deal with being controlling. The majority of women have some sort of victimized beliefs and the majority of men want control. The women in our world created a lot of victimized beliefs. The men want to be in control to make sense of their world. Both are wounded or toxic beliefs that majority of us will have to deal with.


Look At This Guy

The majority of men would want to be in a job like this. Physically, he is not built like a body builder. He has a little bit of beer belly. But I am certain that lots of women will find him very attractive. Now if we switch the gender and a woman does this, women all over the world would think that this is a job that they would not want to do. The majority of men would not find the girl attractive also.



The simple truth is that men have been trained and brainwashed to be taken out of their masculine nature. It is in the movies, in the shows, news and so on. It is everywhere. They do not show powerful masculine men as good guys anymore. What traits are the most attractive in men? It is “initiative”, “taking leadership or taking charge”, “being calm, composed and collected”, and “having no fear”. You no longer see these traits in the movies. What you will see is that women will have these qualities and men will have the toxic ones like doubt, insecurity, uncertainty, indecisiveness, and so on.

I think that is all I wanted to say about this.


Trump Assassination – Most Likely An Inside Job

Incompetence breeds doubt. Severe incompetence breeds conspiracies. The secret service just failed in a really bad way. They failed so bad and did not respond to all the reports that it looked like the assassination was an inside job. If you look at the other videos, people were reporting that the shooter was being very suspicious. The secret service didn’t respond at all. Now, the question is, if it is an inside job, who was the mastermind? Is the mastermind Joe Biden with the Democrats or is it Trump and the Republicans.

The obvious choice would be Biden and his party. They tried to impeach Trump, they tried to bankrupt him, they tried to put him in prison, and so on. They tried everything to make him ineligible to run for the next presidency. The courts were corrupt, the judges were corrupt, and so on. So if they cannot take out Trump in the court, then they must take him out literally which is the obvious next step.

However, I believe that it was Trump and his party that did it which means that someone gave the guy a gun, someone gave him blank bullets, someone drove him to this place, and someone in audience shot at the other audience members. So Trump knew all of these would happen.

When Trump got up, he was screaming fight, fight, fight. This is reasonable. There is nothing suspicious in that. People experience fight, flight or freeze whenever they are in a dangerous situation. He is experiencing the fight response. He maybe dazed and confused but he knows he has to fight. This is a normal reaction. If you have a lot of victimized beliefs, the fight response is hard to believe because you will think that it is flight that has to happen. In reality, fight, flight or freeze can happen.


What Is Suspicious

What is suspicious is that Trump, his family and his party have nothing but praise and compliments for the secret service. Trump posted that he is very grateful for the secret service and that they did an awesome job. This is really not like him. Trump hates incompetence. He had a show were he fires people for being incompetent. He often tells it, how he sees it. He doesn’t look at a teleprompter, he says what he wants, he tweets whatever he wants and so on. The fact that he is praising the secret service instead of criticizing them is a big red flag for me.


Is The Shooter Part Of The Government

The answer to that is no. I do not believe so. This guy is most likely someone that didn’t like Trump. He went to forums, tiktok, reddit and other communities that share the same beliefs as him. Most likely, he got brainwashed there. A few people ganged up on him and gas lit him like crazy. They were grooming or brainwashing him slowly and over and over. In the end, he thought that if he attempted to assassinate Trump, people will recognize him, he will gain fame, and he will be hailed as a hero. I’m sure some of the three letter agencies that were gaslighting him were like, “if you shoot this guy, people will hail you as a hero. You will be on the news. Even if you go to prison, they will respect you. You will be famous and so on.”

Unfortunately, the government had no intention of letting him live. They had no intention of letting others know his story, his motives, and how he got into those motives.

Of course, there’s no way to prove this and this is all just a conspiracy theory. If I was part of the CIA, FBI or whoever was orchestrating this, this is what I would do. If I was the leader, this is what I would do. Find a few people willing to assassinate Trump and gas lit them like crazy until one person actually believes and does it.


They Tried To Assassinate Trump But It Is Biden That Died

They tried to assassinate Trump but it is Biden that died. The assassination attempt gave Trump a huge lead. It was such a huge lead that there was no way Biden would win or even if he won, people would be so angry that they would riot. So they took out Biden from the ballot. Unfortunately, Biden is just a clone. There is no reason to keep him alive. Keeping him alive is very expensive as he is an old person. Biden is most likely dying somewhere or in storage. We may never see him outside or in the public. We will just see prerecorded speeches and then he will be gone and forgotten.



Anyway, the moral of the story is “DO NOT GET INDOCTRINATED!!!” Do your enlightenment practices. Never stop going into a higher vibration. Keep getting higher and higher. No one can hurt you if you cannot be indoctrinated to have lower vibrational beliefs. No one can hurt you if you do not have fear based beliefs. The higher you get, the better you will feel and the more good things that you will attract to your life.