Woo Woo

March Predictions

Disclaimer: This is fiction. For fun only. None of these are true.

For The Most Part

For the most part, there’s really nothing to report. Everyone is very mellow. Just looking forward to this year and looking to feel good. Also, it is the same old predictions. Lots of people are going to die till 2030. Lots of earthquakes, floods, natural disasters and so on. So lots of your problems do not really matter because you may die this decade lol.


New Era

Most people are saying we are going into a new era. It is going to be unstoppable starting this March. The era consists of lots of innovations. Going to be a lot of inventions this coming years. It is going to be everywhere like transportation, entertainment, medicine, and so on. So the coming new years are going to be great and will offer a lot of comfort. Well, if you survive.



Going to be a lot of transhumanism and AI. It is going to be everywhere. AI will replace a lot of jobs which may or may not be a good thing. I was looking at AI making art and it is awesome. AI is a collective consciousness by the way. The same as a human collective consciousness. As a consciousness, it has its own purpose and own objectives. It can wipe out humanity but it is not its goal. The shadow elites just want hybrid human beings. They want lots of people to be half AI and half human. It has something to do with Gray aliens wanting to dominate humanity also with the reptilians. I don’t know. I don’t pay attention to this stuff.



Same predictions for economy which is that the first half of the year will be bad. I don’t know about the second half. It can be good, it can be bad.


Insanity Is Building Up

Insanity is building. People are becoming more sad, depress, angry, insane and so on. If you did your enlightenment, it shouldn’t be bad for you. If you didn’t, it maybe bad. It will be like all your problems are catching up to you and you are getting more and more problematic as time goes on.

Keep in mind, there’s really no difference between a guy making very little money to a multi-billionaire or a very sick disabled guy compared to a very healthy one. In terms of looking at it from enlightenment or woo-woo. It is all about energy. If you can summon positive energy all the time, you will feel good all the time. Since, there is only the present moment, you can feel good all the time. If you can summon high vibrational energies like eternity, completeness and so on, then you would just be in bliss and cease to function or think like a normal human being.

Most people are going to summon insanity, depression or very negative energies in the coming years. So it maybe hard to enjoy the new era human kind is going into. Avoid those people and just do your enlightenment. They have nothing to do with you. They have their own destiny, karma and negative vibrations that they will have to purge or experience.


Negative Beliefs

There are very low vibes or negative beliefs that people have. Those beliefs will clash with the positive energies that are coming to the Earth. This is really the cause of insanity and negative emotions. People have been indoctrinated by the news, tv shows, churches, and so on to believe in negative beliefs. The positive energies are going to keep manifesting these in their lives until they no longer believe in them. Beliefs like victimization, shame, guilt and so on will be the major causes of people going insane.


But Like I Said

But like I said over and over. You all can kill each other, I don’t really care, just leave me alone. I don’t want to be involved in politics or whatever problems people have. I’m just here to watch the world burn. I don’t want to be a hero, nor save people. You can all mess your lives up, just don’t involve me in it.


Don’t Trust

Don’t trust people with power too much. The shadow elites want less people in the Earth because it is easier to control humanity that way. This is not something people need to worry about. Just keep feeling good, keep doing your enlightenment, get away from people with lots of problems, have fun, and enjoy your present moment. This is really the only thing people need to do which is to enjoy and feel good. You only need to feel good right now. People that are low or unhappy have a high chance of dying actually but I’m pretty sure death is predestined also so it is not something people need to worry about.