Woo Woo

May Predictions

Disclaimer: This is not real. Pure fiction. For fun only.


Money Money Money

Economy is going to recover. Same with real estate. It is going to start in May. It may not be felt till June or later. The human collective is heading towards more comfort, and more abundance. So expect some money to come into your life. They may not be planned or the money may come from a surprise like inheritance.

There will also be people like me who are not meant to make any money right now. For people like us, we are not going to be making a lot but hopefully, we don’t lose a lot of money also.


Good Time For Businesses

Good time to start businesses, self-employment, and creative stuff that make money. This year is good for creating new stuff, artificial intelligence, and inventions that improve people’s lives.


Purging Of Negative Emotions

If you did not do your enlightenment practices or self-reflections or introspections, then this month is not going to be good for you. It is always like that for some reason. The old negative thoughts will just keep coming back over and over again until you release them. All of your insecurities and fears will just pop one after the other.


The Second Pandemic

The second pandemic is most likely Candida Auris or C. Auris. I think we discussed this two years ago. I posted a video about it that this could be the next one. It is not guaranteed that this will be the next one but it has a good probability. We most likely won’t take this seriously until 2024 or 2025. It will start in the hospitals and then spread to families then to everyone.


Building Up Your Immune System

It is a good idea to build up your immune system so you can prevent this from happening to you. You have to do your own research on this one. I think probiotics are good like kimchi. Garlic is good also so eat foods with garlic. I don’t recommend eating garlic raw since your breath will stink for the whole day.

For Filipinos, we eat vinegar with garlic all the time. We use this as a sauce with soy sauce or fish sauce. It is usually used for BBQs and stuff. Building up a body that is resistant to candida is most likely a good idea. You don’t want to build up a body when it is already too late.

There are some other good foods also like oregano oil, apple cider vinegar and coconut oil. Use shampoos that have tea tree oil, coconut oil and so on. Do your research. Every one is different. Bodies are different and so on. Find a good way to build up your immune system that is good for you.


Be More Natural

I don’t really trust these companies that make probiotics but they look good. Have you heard of Simply Orange having lots of toxic stuff in it?

They don’t even put it on the labels. These companies are so greedy. The profits they made in this orange juice are probably 10-1000 times more than what they are going to pay for fines.