Woo Woo

My Soul

Here’s what I know about my soul. My soul is an old soul. I have been through this Earth plane for countless of lives and I am just here to graduate as soon as possible. I am almost there. None of my soul family are here. Soul family, soul friends, souls that I love hanging out with, they are not here. They all graduated already.


My Soul Family

Whenever I go to sleep, my soul will go back to my soul family. Think about a lot of entities. These entities are very high vibrational and made of light. They are always happy. Think of me as being in the middle of thousands of these entities. They all say “I love you” to me, their vibration, their language, their aura, it all says “I love you”. My soul feels their love all the time or in eternity or in this moment called NOW. In a timeless space, I am being loved and purified by my soul family every time I go to sleep. I cannot really remember the scenes and everything but I know the feeling. The feeling lingers. Whenever I go to sleep, I don’t travel the astral plane, I don’t travel the cosmos, I don’t hangout with Jesus, archangels, Steve Jobs, or God. I just go to my soul family or that I am always with them. Time and timelessness is too complicated to explain or comprehend for my human brain.


My Soul

My soul is expansive. It is practically as big as big as a small planet. My soul can become a planet and has enough experience to do so. My soul cannot become a sun and it cannot become a universe but it wants to. It wants to be able to create a universe and tell its own story.


My Soul Has Arcturian Roots

My soul has close ties to the Arcturian aliens. I have been an Arcturian more times than any other types of specie or life. My spirit guides as well have close ties to Arcturian. In all my lifetimes on Earth, I have never sided with the Reptilians. It is because the Arcturians want humanity to vibrate higher while the Reptilians want humanity to vibrate lower. Even when I choose a very dense body that commits crimes, launders money, or a person with lots of power and so on, I have never sided with the Reptilians. I got killed so many times because I wouldn’t side with their goals. So I had lifetimes of being a politician, advisors to kings, or I am a prince of a land. I would get killed because I would oppose the Reptilians all the time. I don’t know the people work for Reptilians, but I just get this feeling to not work with them and their goals. I would oppose them also.

I have lived many lives as a Reptilian as well. However, for Earth, the Arcturians and Reptilians have been at the beginning of humanity and I sided with the Arcturians since I am them and very closely associated with them. The Arcturians and Reptilians are very closely involved with Earth. Arcturians aren’t really the good guys. They are crazy aliens also. Someday I will tell the story of the origins of humanity.


My Next Life

My next life will be a continuation of this life. It is going to be about enlightenment. It is impossible to complete what I set out to do so I will complete it in multiple lives. The template for this life is very popular. It has been done by lots of souls already. In this life, the body started very low. Very very low. I inherited the fears of my parents, my ancestors and I was born in a very low vibrational land. I have to do enlightenment and do everything to shift this body to a higher vibration. The shift is also something I have to feel and get used to. My next life is going to be easier as the body that I will pick will not start at a very low vibration. The vibration the next body will have depends on how much this current life will accomplish. The higher I get in this life, the higher the body I will get in my next life.


Think Of My Description Of My Soul Family

Ultimately, that is the destination that I must reach. I will emit “I love you” all the time. My aura will always be “I love you”. I will say “I love you” to all beings that have the same vibration as me. Not everyone. This is important to distinguish, I am not meant to love everyone. Even Arcturians separate themselves from other species and they don’t mingle with them as well. They participate in wars also.