Woo Woo

November Predictions

I guess, I will do a November prediction. There are some things that are ending that’s why.

Disclaimer: This is not real. This is pure fiction. This has nothing to do with real life. This is only for fun and should not be taken seriously. This is not financial advice. I am just talking to myself.


World War 3

I just heard that people are afraid of World War 3 which makes no sense. WW3 is not going to happen. All nuclear weapons in the whole world are disabled. I repeat. ALL NUCLEAR WEAPONS ARE DISABLED. A bunch of entities disabled them all as the planet is ascending or getting bombarded with lots of positive energies. As a precaution, all nuclear weapons have been disabled as we are not the only ones that are living on Earth.


Climate Change Propaganda

Climate change propaganda is going to disappear. The propaganda is just not working. The majority of the planet chose not to believe on this stupid thing. A lot of people are fighting back as well. A lot of people just do not care. The only people that care are the people in Western countries. Asians, Africans, and so on, really don’t give a crap. So it is going to disappear. It is going to be replaced by some sort of water crisis. I don’t know what will happen yet. I just know that it has something to do with water or the plan right now has something to do with water.


Woke Ideologies

Woke ideologies are also going to disappear. After what happened to Bud Light, a lot of companies are afraid. Disney is losing a lot of money also. So we will see woke ideologies less and less especially in our media.


Shed Shed Shed

There’s really nothing to worry about other than your own energy. Manifestation is happening really fast so you get to see your beliefs and what your overall energy is like. Got to shed a lot of those energies that are no longer serving you. We can also say that got to shed all those beliefs that are no longer serving you. Shed, shed, shed. Our bodies are changing. We are getting upgrades and more spiritual gifts. The bodies are getting higher also. This means a lot of stress to the mind if you did not do your enlightenment practices. I kept repeating that lol but it is true. Life will be a lot easier if you do your enlightenment practices.


Economy And Stock Market

Still volatile and unpredictable.