Woo Woo

October Predictions

I may put more things, but this is it for now.

Disclaimer: This is not real. This is pure fiction. This has nothing to do with real life. This is only for fun and should not be taken seriously. This is not financial advice. I am just talking to myself.

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October Energy

October energy is strong also but not as strong as September energy. So if you had lots of problems in September then rest assured that October won’t be as bad. It is like a continuation of September energies but less intense. So if September is like a hurricane, then that hurricane lose a lot of energy and became a storm in October.

For me, September purged away lots of my problems. So only problem I have now is getting a job, and getting a place. After that I feel like can just work and sleep over and over then die. According to my guides, that is not how my life is going to play out but working and then sleeping does not sound so bad. It sounds predictable and peaceful.

Good energy to be expressive. Express yourself. Go have fun. Be less worried about what other people think of you. Do things that you love.


Economy And Stock Market

The economy and stock market is going to be volatile. It has to do with Biden since he may not run for 2024. They are still undecided or we can also say that they are two different timelines. Both timelines have very different economy and stock market. Which timeline you are going to will dictate which economy or stock market you will have.


USA Is Still Headed For Collapse

USA is still headed for collapse. A lot of the three letter organizations are losing the people’s trust. All unloving organizations are going to collapse. Unfortunately, USA has a lot of them so USA is still headed for some major collapse. USA still control a lot of countries but the other countries are now standing their ground and refusing to be ordered or bullied.

Some say that USA has already collapsed and what you are seeing is the corpse moving. It is like when you behead a fish or snake, the body still wiggles if it gets touched even though we know that it is dead.


Good Time To Make Peace With The Government

It is a good time to make peace with the government. It is time to accept that the government is corrupt. All governments are corrupt. There never was a time in our history that the government is not corrupt. Having said that, you are the one that is in control of your fate and destiny. All your problems and joy are created by you.

It is the reason why the pandemic happened, why we have wars, why the government is always creating problems, why our foods are poisoned, why we have climate change. It is because they want people to be in fear. The happier you are or the higher you vibrate, the less chance you can be controlled or brainwashed. If you get sick, you are definitely going to vibrate very low.

The more you hate the corruption in our government, the more you will attract it to your life. You will attract tickets, fines, and so on, just by watching corruption that is being revealed in our government. You are watching negative energy and that negative energy will be absorbed into your body and leak into your life.

It is also a victimized way of looking at things as if you are saying that you are a victim and the government is the bully. Your relationship with the government does not have to be that way. You can have a good relationship like saying, the government paid for the roads, created some sort of order for most of my life, gave me money in the pandemic and so on. If you believe that government is a bully and you are a victim, that can manifest in your life. Pay attention to other things rather than the corruption that you will see or drama you will see all around you.


Politicians Are Not Happy

These politicians make a lot of money, they make millions in a year but they are not happy. They are often depress and in fear. They need to accumulate money in order to feel better. When you are vibing low, you will try to vibe higher as fast as possible. Some will go with drugs, alcohol, and so on, to drown the thoughts. The politicians, they do not feel safe so they try to accumulate money as much as possible to feel safe or feel good.

These people are under tremendous amounts of pressure. Sometimes the soul could not handle that pressure so that leads to an early death or sudden drug overdose. At first, they feel good because they make a lot of money but the high feeling or the feel good feeling that you get from accumulating money decreases over time. It will come to a point where the feeling is not enough to drown out the fear and pressure. If these politicians don’t perform well, they may get sacrificed, put into jail. They may get killed, get cloned, or some actor will play them.

Always remember, you are in control of your own destiny. The politicians have nothing to do with it. They can only control theirs. They cannot control yours. The best they can do is to brainwash people or use their free will against themselves. Ultimately, it is your choice.


Make Peace With Material Things

A lot of material things like phones, television, computers, ipad and so on will give you happiness. But it will be temporary happiness. When you buy a material thing, watch how long that feeling of happiness lasts. You will see that they don’t lasts for very long. You will go back to thinking about your problems, your fears and so on. These things are just distractions. At some point, you have to see that all of these happy emotions come from within and that they do not “really” come from the outside world. You created these emotions within. As such, you can just use your imagination to create these happy feelings or similar happy feelings. So true happiness or happiness that lasts for a very long time comes from within. It comes from being focused and centered in the ‘NOW’ moment.

So make peace with knowing that the outside world is really just a distraction or entertainment like a tv show. Once the tv show ends, the feelings end also. All good feelings come from within and being able to summon or evoke those feelings with your will or mind, will make you happier, content and more at peace.


Some Things Are Meant To Be

Some things are meant to be. Some things are meant to happen. Problems are meant to come to your life so do success, achievements and happiness. Your life will have ups and downs. This planet has a very dense energy and we do not have full control of our minds, as such positive and negative events are bound to happen whether you are rich or poor. Your soul loves a challenge and planet Earth is a challenging place. If you want more positive then control your mind or else, other people will control it for you.


This Month

This month is all about enlightenment. Focus on silencing the mind. Focus on introspection. Focus on what goes on in your head that you are manifesting problems and negative situations. Think about what you are watching and how it manifests in your reality. Just do it one belief at a time. The mind is full of programs, conditioned by tv shows in our youths, and so on. So there will be lots of beliefs there that are not beneficial. You can just eliminate them one belief at a time. Think about beliefs that give shame or make you feel bad. These beliefs are not good for you.



Sacrifice is a very unloving belief. It is the belief that you have to lose something in order to gain something which is not true at all. You are so not loved or you are so disgusting that no one loves you, as such you have to give something away in order to feel love. This belief can often be seen in movies, tv shows, and in religion.

If your life is full of sacrifice, you have been watching too much shows about sacrifice. You’ve been listening to a lot of stories that involve sacrifice. If you glorify sacrifice, you will see this in your life. You will know that this is an unloving belief because it will feel bad when it shows up in your life. The common manifestation is that you will sacrifice your life for work, for the company or to make money. This will feel really bad and you will hate your life because of it. However, you don’t know why you are manifesting this situation, so you just kept watching and watching and consuming stories related to sacrifice. What is worst is that you may even glorify sacrifice.

So when sacrifice manifests in your life, that is your entire doing. It is like the universe saying, “here you go, you keep glorifying this, you keep thinking sacrifice is amazing, you keep thinking this is good, here you go, I’ll let you experience it as much as you want.” Once sacrifice shows up in your life, you will instantly know how bad you messed up because it will feel so bad or feel so terrible.

There are many more beliefs that you are conditioned to believe to be good but are actually detrimental for you. These are called programs or beliefs that you have been conditioned to have without knowing that they are bad for you. In short, you got brainwashed. There’s no way to sugar coat it. You got brainwashed and now you are suffering because of it. Purifying your mind is a good priority to ahve.