Woo Woo

October Predictions

Disclaimer: This is not real. This is pure fiction. This has nothing to do with real life. This is only for fun and should not be taken seriously. This is not financial advice. This is pure nonsense. For entertainment purposes only. I am just talking to myself.


Stocks And Crypto

The prediction is still sideways and red. Lots of things going on. Lots of chaos in the world. Even when it looks like it will be green, something will happen in the world that will make it go down or red. Bull market isn’t happening anytime soon. The prediction is actually a recession or like a great depression. We will experience a deep drop that will happen somewhere in the next 2 years.

The prediction also states that if it is low, invest. If you think a stock or crypto is at its lowest, it might be a good time to put some money on it. Only a little bit cause these are very hard times but at the same time, these times could be a great opportunity to invest.


Election Predictions

The prediction for the election has changed. It is now predicted that Trump would win. Around 55% to 45% in favor of Trump. So many things happening. So many changes. Even CNN is appearing to be Pro-Trump at times while Fox News is pro-Kamala. Trump gained tremendous amounts of power this month or last September. His court cases that he was found guilty are being overturned. He is talking to Zelensky and talking about peace. There’s a momentum shift in terms of power. Like I said, if the election isn’t rigged, Trump would win in a landslide.

Ukraine and Russia war will stop if Trump gets elected because Trump does not get any money from foreign affairs or wars. It is the reason he didn’t start a war in his Presidency since there was no profit for him. He can only profit through his friends by creating walls, construction and so on. Gavin Newsom lost billions of dollars in homelessness program, lost billions of dollars in building a bridge, and so on. Kamala spent 42 billion on a plan to give Americans internet access with nothing to show for. There’s no penalty since they are part of the shadow elites. Trump cannot do those things, he would get audited really bad. So he had to do a decent job with his policies which is why people of USA or we made lots of money during his presidency.

However, this shift in power says that he is part of the shadow elites now. How deep? How much do they control him? We don’t know. He is definitely not as free as before.


NYC Mayor Adams

He is being indicted. He kept blabbing his mouth about how illegal immigration is bad. How it was destroying NY. He won’t stop so they had to make an example of him. There is a possibility he will be found not guilty. He is the worst mayor ever. The most unauthentic person, lying, race card baiting mayor of NY that I have ever seen. He kept raising the tolls and putting new tolls. I don’t like him since he mandated vaccines or people that did not get them were fired from their jobs. He also tried banning pizza ovens for climate change and tried to raise cost of meat so that lab grown meat would be on the menu. He is such a puppet of the globalists.


Don’t Get Indoctrinated

The Left is depressing. From my research, the left are very depressed people. You can just type it in google also. “The left is depressing reddit” and you can see lots of posts about left people being depress. If you type “the right is depressing reddit”, I got nothing. The left is filled with victimized mentality so it is going to be depressing. There used to be a reddit subpage of mostly left leaning people about their fantasies. The fantasies are often about raping conservative women, torturing them, beating up conservative men till they beg for mercy and so on. It is very very dark. They are not going to do that in real life but the lower your frequency, the more you desire control, superiority and power over others.

There are no victims in this world. There are no heroes either. All of them are just roles. If you believe in victimhood, you will become a victim. What you believe always manifests in front of you to experience. If you are depressed and miserable, you are more likely to be angry and hostile to other people. Anger is a lot higher than depression. It is better to be angry than depress in terms of frequency. If you are angry, then you are not depressed. So for some people, they may have this irrational anger towards Trump or Trump Deranged Syndrome (TDS). The cause of that is probably because they are very depressed, miserable or have lots of problems. Being angry is higher than being depressed.

Like I said, FEEL!!!. Use your heart. Use your emotional guiding system. If it feels bad, then it is bad. If it feels loving, then it is good. If you have a belief and it feels bad, that belief is not true. That belief is a not a loving belief. Only love exists. If you continue to believe a negative belief, you will feel bad or depressed all the time. You can only feel one emotion at a time. You will either feel love or fear. You will either feel an emotion in the spectrum of love or in the spectrum of fear.


Israel War

There is something weird about these rockets. They are way too bright. These attacks are most likely staged. I don’t mean fake. The casualties are definitely real. People dying and buildings collapsing are definitely real. What I mean is that the government allowed it to happen. This is too much of a light show compared to the Ukraine / Russian missiles. Why are all the missiles very bright? Missiles are not bright. They are not fireworks. You wouldn’t see them at night. Just look at youtube and look at the missiles there. Look at spaceX launch. It is very big rocket yet it is not as bright at these missiles. It looks like they pumped each missile with a lot of magnesium, sodium and phosphorous.

So both sides are in cahoots or conspiring with each other. Israel is most likely trying to expand their land. They need a reason to conquer their neighbors. I cannot really prove it but there is definitely something shady going on.


Attack Doesn’t Work

In enlightenment attack does not work. It is what we are going to learn in the next few years. Attacking people, attacking politicians, attacking anyone does not work to make our lives better. It is only through unity. The gamers are already doing this. They are not buying games created by people who hate them. It is only through unity, through a common goal, that we can bring down these corporations, these global elites, and these people in power. We don’t need to attack them. We just don’t have to support them.


All Roads Lead To Rome

Lots of things in the USA are going to collapse especially the systems that are unloving. The pharmaceutical industry, hospitals, three letter government agencies, depart of education and so on. We can do it the easy way or the hard way. If people do their enlightenment, we can do it the easy way. We can do it the hard way or the painful way also. Humanity likes to do it the hard way so do your enlightenment so you will be above the battleground.

At the end of it all, we should experience more peace and more abundance.


Nothing Matters!!

I read the experiences of people taking Ayuasca in Brazil. Basically, this psychedelic drug is used to create an experience. The experiences differ, some go insane, some nothing happens, and some experience a higher vibration or frequency.

When you experience a higher vibration, you will see that nothing really matters. You will not care about anything. You don’t care whether you lose your job, lose your house, lose your car, lose your wife or lover and so on. It is because if you are in a higher frequency, you are complete. You don’t need anything. You don’t want anything. So you don’t care about anything. You have no fears.

However, when you go back down in frequency, everything matters again. You worry about election, worry about your job, your money, your house, your material things and you worry about everything you accumulated. Some people are like that. Every minute, they worry. They worry about everything. Worried that Trump will win or Kamala will win. Worried about Ukraine. Worried about Palestine. Worried about illegal immigration. Their mind does not stop worrying. Everything matters to them. Everything has to happen to the way they wanted so that they can experience peace. They have to control everything, some are willing to hurt people in order to achieve their goals.

But nothing in this world really matters. It is truth of this world. It is just an illusion. It doesn’t matter. Nothing matters. The higher the frequency you are, the more you will see it. This world and humanity has burned to the ground multiple times. Multiple civilizations have come and gone. It doesn’t matter if this civilization burns to the ground also. Everything turns to dust, everyone you know will, you will too, it is only a matter of time.