Woo Woo


Disclaimer: This is for a book I am writing. Completely fiction.

Predictions For December

These predictions are often negative. We are in a time where lots of energies are going to the Earth. It is a time of change. It is going to keep happening for years or even decades. In order for things to change for the better, unloving things will need to be destroyed or revamped.

Most of us just want to live in a box, we don’t want any change. We like certainty. We just want to keep accumulating money, lovers, and friends and so on. But the thing is that if your frequency is low or that you are unhappy, even if you get all of these, you will still have lots of worries and you will still have this urge to be in conflict with other people. These objects that you accumulated can even cause great pain. So the energies that are coming to the Earth are meant to increase the collective frequency of the planet so that we have better control of our minds.

It is like a storm is approaching. It is the beginning. Sunshine and rainbows don’t happen until later.


Energy Is Pulling Back

The energy is pulling back. Lots of negative emotions going to rise up in people. Going to be lots of confusion and chaos. Lots of negative thoughts and feelings going to come to the surface that have been bottled up. If you did your enlightenment then the energies will not impact you much. It will be good a month for you but if you didn’t do any enlightenment, it is going to be really hard for the mind.

Think of it like trees in a forest getting destroyed by hurricanes so that new trees and plants will replace them. Next year, new energies will come to the planet so all the junk and incompatible energies need to be washed away.

The good news is that you all should be getting lighter like your mind feeling more relaxed. You will feel this more if you did your enlightenment practices. The body should be feeling lighter also due to the energies that are bombarding this planet for some time now. Both the mind and body will get a very big upgrade next year but for now, just do your enlightenment and eat healthy.



More inflation. It is not going to stop for some time. It will keep going up for months. So it will really be a hard time for a lot of people making ends meet. It is a time to save up especially if you are in the UK and Australia. It is like you suddenly don’t have money. It is the shadow elite also, trying to shake your piggy bank. Trying to take away your safety and security so that your frequency will be low.



Economy will be bad for a while. If you are doing well financially, that will most likely keep going. As society as whole, the rich will get richer. The poor will get poorer. The gap between the poor and the rich will keep getting bigger. In our time, everyone is worried about race, social justice, the little mermaid being black, and all those things that people fight about. But in reality, our biggest problem as a human collective is poverty. It is not race, nor inequality, nor social justice. Reminded me of this girl speaking about inequality and poverty. It is poverty that is our biggest problem since the big corporations are getting all of it. Monopolies are increasing and so on. Both the Republicans and Democrat politicians are making money out of people’s suffering.


Looking For Better Leaders

For this month, we are going to start questioning our leaders. We are going to scrutinize them. “What the hell are you guys doing?” will be the thing that will be in people’s minds. Things are getting bad and our leaders are having a good time. People that rely on the government or any politician to bring any change in their lives for the better will be very disappointed. Discontent for our leaders will keep increasing.

The whole divide and conquer strategy will start to collapse as well. The democrats are blaming the republicans, and the republicans are blaming the democrats. But the collective thinking will start to shift to like, “the politicians on both sides are idiots.” It is going to be like, “why are all our leaders acting like snowflakes instead of leaders with amazing qualities that we look up to. This is not what a leader should look like.”

That kind of thinking will start this December. The changes are not going to be fast or instantaneous. Like some people will start shifting then more and more people will follow. People will start to rely more on themselves than hoping the government will help them. At the early stages, this can cause a lot of panic, lost of direction, lost of stability and so on, for a lot of people.


Nothing Is Going Right In The World

There will be brief moments of panic for lots of people. They will be like, “nothing is going right in the world!!!!” But keep in mind that the world is not your problem. Stay in your lane. Don’t go to the crash site and be a part of it. Your job is to fix your inner world so you will have a better life or experience for yourself. It is not your job to save people. They are eternal beings and they have their own compass. Some of those compasses are pointing to being part and being in the center of the chaos. Some just want to be in conflict, inflict suffering and suffer also. They want to be a victim so they can keep attacking other people and keep inflicting suffering.


Good Time For Creativity

Should be a good month for creativity also. Do something you like. Do a hobby. Entertainment should be good this month. Creating entertainment should be good for people who want to create those types of things also. Create something if you want. The energy of this month supports it. It will be fun. Don’t know if it will make money but it will be fun. The energy of December supports creating something new.


Good Time To Hang Out

Good time to hang out, have fun. Make new friends, go on a date, get a girl or lover, and so on. Good time to go to restaurants, eat good food, and such. So it is like, people will have problems with money but at the same time, they are enjoying their lives spending time with other people.