Woo Woo

September Predictions

Disclaimer: This is not real. This is pure fiction. This has nothing to do with real life. This is only for fun and should not be taken seriously. This is not financial advice. I am just talking to myself.


September Energies

Going to be some intense energies for September. These energies can affect people in various ways. Usually, in my opinion, whenever very intense energies come to Earth, people start dying or lots of dead people. Hopefully, that does not happen.

The energy supports timelessness. If your mind is worrying about the future or always regretting the past then this energy is good for you. It will help you stay in the present moment more. The energy is very good for enlightenment. So do your enlightenment practices and you should get some very good spiritual expansion.

There are certain beliefs in my mind that I would like to remove also. These beliefs mainly involve control and power and they are deep in my subconscious. In reality, I don’t want any control or power since I would be responsible for the people I control. I don’t really want that responsibility because people are dumb haha. So I really want to remove these desires or beliefs that lay in the subconscious and hopefully, September energies help with that.


A Good Meditation

This is a good meditation. It clears the mind and stuff. So if you need to clear your mind more then this 15 minute meditation is very good.


President Biden

There’s a good probability that Biden is not going to run for 2024 presidency. They cannot hide his mental decline anymore. We all know his mind is not there anymore.

He always says “no comment” now. Sometimes he gets asked a question and he blurts out the truth so he just says no comment now. His press interviews are so staged also. Like he gets asked a question and he reads a note to answer the question which suggests that the question and answer was prepared a long time ago.

So there’s a good probability he won’t run in 2024. It will either be Newsom or someone new. I like RFK even though I don’t vote. RFK seems like he would fight for the people. I’m hoping we vote for the other parties like Libertarian and so on. We cannot keep being trapped between Democrat and Republic. Most of them are owned by the WEF anyway. There’s no left wing or right wing, they both belong to the same bird.


Natural Disasters

Going to be a lot of natural disasters on October. A few in September but not a lot. The shadow elites are heating up the planet in order to introduce new ideas to people. These ideas all involve losing your freedom and giving the government more control. These disasters will keep happening until we agree to give them control. So lots of people are going to die in the years to come.

There is a time limit. We are ascending very fast and we have lots of momentum. So if we reach a certain point, we will not give up our freedoms at all and we will have a revolution instead if they keep pushing us. So they cannot keep up with the propaganda or they cannot try to convince us to lose our freedom for long. They have a time limit which is why they are in panic mode and why they are going to try more and more to convince us to lose our freedom.



There will be signs that the economy is going to collapse. There’s going to be a lot of fear in the economy. There are going to be lots of fear, and uncertainty when it comes to the economy. It is like we will see that our leaders are just dumb or that they don’t want us to succeed. It looks like incompetence but you may end up thinking, they cannot be this incompetent, they must be doing this purposely. There will be more signs of a global government like our politicians are owned by these global corporations. These global corporations also own politicians in Philippines, Brazil, Africa, South Korea, and so on. These global corporation have ties with WEF, or CCP, or Russia and so on.

The second half of September, the energies supports abundance. You may get extra money, a promotion, you may win the lotto, you may feel abundance in your love life, abundance in health. You may feel so wealthy and so thankful for everything that you received. So the last week of September is going to be nice and it will be easy to feel good. So get out and do stuff that can give you abundance. Play lotto, get promoted, work on your health, start a business or something.


Stocks And Crypto

There’s no prediction on whether stocks and crypto will be good for September. There are certain types of stocks that are good.

Crypto will be very volatile for a while but they are not dead. Elon Musk sold his btc but btc is not dead yet. They will become very bullish. Just not right now. EV stocks are good. They will keep going up from this point on. Stocks that are good for the environment are good also like solar stocks. There will be new energy stocks that are going to come out in the next few years that are good also.


New Energies

We need a new form of energy since gas, electric, and coal are really archaic. Green energy is terrible since they do not produce a lot of energy and they are terrible for the environment also.

They are pushing the green energy thing because they are trying to suppress a new type of energy that is better than gas, electric and coal but also very clean and environmentally friendly. Humanity wants a better type of energy than gas but they are pushing this green energy to replace gas because they don’t want us to look at the other ones or think about other potential types of energies that are way better.

If our vibration gets high enough, better options or better energies will be available to us.



I think we should talk about aliens and what to expect from them. This subject is going to be very confusing in the next decade or so. There will be a lot of information that is going to be given to humanity and a lot of them will be lies meant to confuse people. We have reached a certain frequency that alien contact is going to happen. It cannot be stopped.



There is this woman that freaked out in the airplane. I don’t know what she saw but this is really a normal reaction when you see an alien. Your mind cannot comprehend it so it goes into panic mode. There are many aliens living among us. Most of them are reptilians but there are other alien species as well. They can shapeshift using their bodies or they can use their technology to shapeshift.

Imagine if we live in the Star Wars universe where we see aliens all the time with blue skin, green skin, and so on, then we wouldn’t freak out. Or even Lord of the Rings with elves, dwarves, orcs and stuff. It would be normal to see something that does not look like a human. Unfortunately, we don’t and we have been bombarded with movies of how Aliens are going to eat us. If we see one, we will freak out.


Galactic Federation And Reptilians

There are really only two that you will hear about from the news or from the government. They will talk about the Galactic Federation and the Reptilians.


Galactic Federation

The galactic federation is like a group of alien species that joined together for the benefit of the galaxy. It is like the Star Trek Federation. They make sure that no alien specie prevents another alien specie from their spiritual ascension. It is like the prime directive in Star Trek that prohibits them from interfering with the natural development of alien civilizations.

Our government will never work with the galactic federation. Our government has contact with various aliens and they refuse to work with the galactic federation. The people in our government wants to keep their control and the galactic federation will give our specie freedom which means that our government will get destroyed if we all get our freedom.

So you will hear people in our government mention the galactic federation but this will be a lie. They will say that the galactic federation thinks our species are over-populated, climate change is happening, the planet is going to die and so on. These will all be lies. Like I said, our government will never work with the galactic federation.



Our government is in constant communication with the reptilians. The reptilians uses our fearful emotions as energy. We are slaves in a sense that our fearful energies are being harvested. It is like the Matrix movie. The human race are like batteries that the machines use for energy. Reptilians are allowed to mess with our evolution and they do so by tricking us. Through propaganda and indoctrination, we are using our free will against our own benefit. It is a long story why they are allowed that we can talk about but not right now.


Reptilians In Hollywood


The reptilians in Hollywood are very satanic. You have to sell your soul if you want to become famous. They will market you or do everything they can to make you popular if you sell your soul. When you sell your soul, you will go to a ritual. What happens is that your consciousness will be split. You will allow a reptilian consciousness to share your mind and this reptilian consciousness will slowly influence the mind or ego of the person.

They have lots of rituals especially in the music industry. It is easy to tell also when the ritual is happening and they try to get people into it. The red lights are going to appear and then the rapper or singer will say something like, “Tonight we are going to hell. Going to the valley of the shadow of death. We are going to sell our souls.” Then the rapper will start rapping or singer will start singing. They will start dancing in some form of ritualistic movements also.


Reptilians In Politics

The reptilians in politics are more into Egyptian religion. They are into sacred geometry. Like the landmarks, buildings, streets and highways are modeled after sacred geometry. They are more into Egyptian Gods and Goddesses rather than Satanism. They love the Egyptian Goddess Isis. They name everything Isis for some reason. You will see a lot of Goddess statues in Washington DC.


Many More Reptilians

There are many more reptilians. There are reptilians in Saudi Arabia. Reptilians in UK and so on. There are also hybrid reptilians and humans that injected themselves with reptilian DNA. There are clones also.

I am pretty sure Mark Zuckerberg did some form of genetic DNA modification which made him stronger. Maybe he put reptilian DNA in him, I don’t know.

The higher the Earth vibrates, the more the reptilians have to leave the Earth. Reptilians are low frequency species. They cannot handle very loving or high frequency energies. So right now, we are vibrating pretty high so more and more reptilians are leaving the Earth. A lot of concerts will be cancelled. A lot of youtube influencers will cease to exist. A lot of celebrities are going to be hiding all of a sudden.


Galactic Federation Will Lie

Galactic federation will lie also. They do not concern themselves with the truth. All they care about is humanity vibrating higher. So if you like Biden, they will say that Biden is good. If you like Trump, they will say Trump is good. They don’t care. They don’t care about money also. All they care about is frequency.

For example, if you can contact them right now and ask them, “are the wildfires man-made or are they natural?” They will say natural. Even though a week later, there will be people charged with arson. Galactic Federation do not want people going into conspiracy theories because they lower the frequency of the individual. They have a saying, “they maybe true but they are useless. They maybe accurate but they are irrelevant”. This really means that you should pay attention to what you want to happen or what you want to feel and keep your focus away from bad things that lower your frequency.