Woo Woo

September Predictions

Disclaimer: This is not real. This is pure fiction. This has nothing to do with real life. This is only for fun and should not be taken seriously. This is not financial advice. This is pure nonsense. For entertainment purposes only. I am just talking to myself.


Energies For September

Lots and lots of positive energies are coming to the Earth. The shadow elites are trying their best to make your life miserable but they cannot do much since there is an election in November. So 2024 is often not too overwhelming but that will change in 2025. All hell will break lose in 2025.

Think of energy as rain that is pouring down hard. The shadow elites are trying to remove the water but they cannot do it. They are just putting it back in. The only way to stop the ascension of humanity is by making your lives miserable. Some of you that are doing their enlightenment practices and clearing negative beliefs, these energies will feel good. It will make the body light and you will feel that you can finally breathe.

However, for a lot of people, they are not doing their enlightenment practices. They are going to feel like they are drowning with problems. They will not feel safe, not feel secure and there will be lots of uncertainty. The problems will keep piling up. What do people do when they are depressed and miserable? They project. They project their misery to others. They try to destroy other people’s lives in the name of justice but in reality, these people are just miserable. To their minds, they are fighting against injustice and they are a hero to lots of victimized people. But the reality is that they are just miserable.


Crypto And Stocks

The prediction is still side ways or red until December. Somewhere around that time, things can change. For stocks, there’s a lot of nice stocks that are very undervalued right now. However, there’s no prediction of a bull market. The shadow elites main goal is to make your life miserable so they are obviously not going to help people make money. In fact, they are going to make it hard.


What Will Happen If Trump Or Kamala Wins

I can only tell you what will happen if Trump wins because the prediction for Kamala is bad. If Trump wins, you will have more money in the bank than when Kamala wins. The highest timeline I could get was if Trump wins in 2020. If we got into that timeline, getting to 2030 would be a breeze. Not much lessons to learn as the majority of people are pretty high. But we didn’t get to that timeline.

The easier timeline is if Trump wins. It is because you will have money or at least, a lot of people will have money. The best analogy that I can say is that let’s say that you are married and going to get a divorce. The divorce is going to hurt however, you are making money so it is not going to hurt that much. Your focus is also on making money so you don’t think about other things. You won’t think about the war with Ukraine / Russia or what is happening in Palestine and Israel. You won’t care about those. All your focus will be on your bank account as it keeps going up.


For Kamala

I will tell you what will happen with Kamala after the election. She is still predicted to win. The prediction says that it is around 60:40. Unless Trump can prevent election fraud, Kamala will win.

Just do your enlightenment and shadow work. Process and remove your negative beliefs because 2025 is going to be messed up. You will either be above the battleground or affected by it. The safest and best way to not be part of anything bad is to do your enlightenment practices and remove negative beliefs.


Anything to help this month?

Just be more aware. If you are having a problem and it keeps repeating over and over, then figure out how you are manifesting this problem. What type of beliefs you have that creates this problem over and over. What shows and entertainment are you watching that contributes to it? What negative beliefs.

Feel!!! When the problem arises, what are you feeling? This feeling is something you have felt before. The way manifestation works most of the time, is that you keep feeling an emotion over and over then this emotion manifests into physical form. So if you are watching or listening to victimization, conflict, suffering, sacrifice and so on, you are feeling those emotions. It is like an empty glass and you keep pouring small amounts of liquid. Sooner or later, it will fill up and overflow. Same with manifestation, if you keep feeling an emotion, it will manifest into physical form.