Woo Woo

Spiritual Upgrades

Spiritual upgrades after spiritual upgrades after spiritual upgrades. I keep getting spiritual upgrades. The amount of entertainment I can consume decreased even more. If only, I would get a lot of money, it would be even better.

It may seem like the world is getting more and more chaotic which is true. The systems that are in placed for a long time are now collapsing. Organizations and institutions that people put a lot of trust in, they no longer trust. In terms of energy, if we no longer put any trust or dependencies in these systems or organizations, the energy that they need to survive will disappear. So what they are doing is that they are trying to get people’s attention towards them and they trying to convince people that they are doing good. Attention is also energy so they will survive if people pay attention to them which gives them time to convince people that they are needed. There should be more and more propaganda on how they are the good guys and such.

However, they are really on life support. It is only a matter of time before the systems crumble and new ones replace them or they get revamped.