Woo Woo

The Origin Of Humanity

The Origin Of Humanity

I finally have the urge to write this. There are many versions of the origin of humanity since there is no time or infinite timelines. So if what you hear is different, it doesn’t matter. They all have the same theme. Slight differences are bound to happen. If the story doesn’t sound correct to you then it is fine. You resonate more with other types of stories.


Reptilians and Anunnaki

Reptilians were on this planet very similar to Mars, mining rare metals and minerals. They were just minding their own business. The Anunnaki came to their planet. They are humanoid beings with very very dark skin. Very very black. The Anunnaki are very advanced, they have advanced technology and they have advanced consciousness. They can teleport, manipulate objects, levitate, telekinesis and so on. So they went to this planet and started mining minerals and metals as well.

The reptilians or the Alpha Draconi didn’t like that they are on the planet. They were like, this is our planet, we were here first. You should get out of here and so on. The Anunnaki said that no one can own planets and so on. But ultimately, they decided to make peace with the reptilians. They offered the reptilians slaves in exchange for being able to mine in the planet. The reptilians, they are not advanced enough to create species so they accepted. The first humans came about which is a slave race.


The First Humans

The humans were not advanced at all. Think of the robots we have now. They are very simple and primitive. They can calculate, they are strong, they do what they are programmed, they have no nervous system, they cannot feel pain, they do what they are ordered. The humans were there to be slaves, to help the Alpha Draconi with basic tasks and so on.


The Arcturians Arrived

The Arcturians are the most advanced alien species on this universe. They have lots of allies, and they have the protection of the universe. They have a soul contract to protect low level species to be able to expand and ascend on their own. The Arcturians participated in this war called the Orion War. It was an intense inter-galactic war that involved many species and many alien races. Even alien races from other universes participated. They all have different opinions on how a specie should ascend. In that difference of opinion, war happened. So the Arcturians are tired of wars and they wanted to end all wars as much as possible.

The Arcturians had an idea which is to make an alien race that can love and cannot love ascend. They want this race to be a symbol on how to ascend as fast as possible. In time, this race would be so powerful that they would end all wars.

So they arrived at this planet were the reptilians and Anunnaki are in. They said like, these humans is no longer yours. We cannot allow you to deter their ascension. The Anunnaki and reptilians did not want to mess with the Arcturians. The humans are very simple creatures, they can make other ones. The Anunnaki can make other alien races for the reptilians. So reluctantly, they agreed as the humans were not valuable enough to start a war with the Arcturians.


The Arcturians Started Messing With The Humans

The Arcturians started improving the body of the human beings. They added nervous systems, highly evolve brains, chakras, skin, adaptability and so on. Not only that, they asked other aliens to donate their DNA to the human being. So aliens all over the universe and other universes started donating their DNA to make this human more evolved.

The Arcturians helped the humans form a contract with the planet. The planet will give the humans sustenance or provide for them. The aliens everywhere started donating their DNA to the planet. This planet that looked like Mars became very abundant with life. Plants, animals, and different species started appearing.


The Reptilians Wanted Their Humans Back

The reptilians saw the humans that they once owned become this amazing and beautiful alien race. The whole universe is flocking and so interested in these humans. There is so much genetic material, so much information, so much possibilities, embedded within our DNA. The reptilians wanted the humans back. They argued that the humans belong to them.

They started kicking out the alien races. “Get off the planet, this is our planet.” Since technically, it is their planet, the alien races had no choice but to leave. They didn’t want to leave because the planet had so much genetic material, so much information, and so on. They wanted to study them and play with the animals.

The Arcturians stepped in. The Arcturians looked at it and the Reptilians were correct. The planet belonged to the Reptilian and they can do whatever they want with it. So the Arcturians took the humans and relocated them to another planet. This planet is called Earth or Gaia. This time, even more aliens donated their DNA, and blueprints to the planet. The animals that we see on Earth right now, come from the DNA of alien races. There are so many. There are different kinds of birds, fishes, dogs, cats, mammals, whales, and so on.

The previous planet that the Reptilians have claim to turned back to being very desolate and very similar to Mars. It turns out that the humans have a contract with the planet. Without the humans, all the other genetic materials are useless as the planet had no desire to use them without the humans.


Reptilians Followed The Humans

The reptilians followed the humans to Earth. They want their slaves back. They argued that they have a claim on the humans. The Arcturians said “ok, you may stay on the planet but don’t directly deter them from ascending.”

The Pleiadians which is another alien race, did not like this at all. The Pleiadians look very much like a human. They tried their hardest to kick out the Reptilians. This is the start of the Alpha Draconi and Pleiadian war. The Alpha Draconi asked the Anunnaki to help them. In the war, the Pleiadians lost. All of their home worlds were annihilated. They were massacred. Their race no longer exists. Of course, it is only in this timeline that they no longer exist. In other timelines, they are still there.


Pleiadians Are Not Really The Good Guys

A lot of alien races that are made out of love are not always the good guys. They are often very meddlesome. If you look at the vegans blocking restaurants, making other people’s lives harder for their cause, and so on, they are the Pleiadians that reincarnate in this world.

A lot of vegans are Pleiadians. They disrupt normal businesses, target normal people, and so on, if they do not agree with their cause. Whenever you see vegan activists, they are most likely Pleiadians that reincarnated on Earth. In terms of intergalactic races, a lot of love based aliens would start a war over the miniscule of things. If Pleiadians rule the Earth, you cannot have robots, chess programs, AI and so on, and we will all be vegans. They view those things as slavery and they will interfere.


Anyway, Let’s Go Back To Earth

The Arcturians gave humanity everything. They bombarded humanity with light. They gave humanity the best of the best they could offer. They gave humanity pleasure, advanced knowledge, advanced technology and so on. Other alien races did it as well. We were handed the golden spoon. Everything we wanted, they would give. We could fly, we could teleport, we could give ourselves wings, we could transform, shapeshift, and so on. We had free reign over the Earth. Even after all that, humanity still destroyed themselves over and over. Civilizations created and lost in a blink of an eye.


The Great Slumber

Humanity fell over and over. In time, they fell asleep. Their bodies regressed into something more primitive. They fell, deeper and deeper as time goes on. Some went underground, and some stayed on the Earth. Humanity would create civilizations and destroy it as well. Our bodies became very dense. The DNA that the aliens donated became dormant. We fell into the darkness over and over. We fell into the abyss deeper and deeper. The reptilians influenced us to make the wrong choices. Instead of climbing, we descended.


Until Today

In this timeline, humanity stopped falling and started climbing again. The aliens that lost hope in humanity returned and started watching our ascension. They thought that it was impossible for humanity to climb back but they were wrong. Now, they are watching us as if we are entertainment. They are cheering for us to break free and ascend.

Humanity, believe it or not, is just an experiment by the Arcturians. They wanted to see if they can create a super duper race that is very powerful, and that can end all wars. They are eager to see what will happen with us. Even to this day, Earth is one of the most beautiful and diverse planet in the universe. Alien races come here to spend time studying the plants, hanging out with the animals, swimming with the whales and so on.