Woo Woo

This body

This body and mind started out way too low. I was vibing way too low. I can remember what I was doing when I was a child. When I was 7 years old. The thoughts that I had where very low also. I kept attracting these low vibration people also in my 20s. Like low quality people that are not good for my life. When the mind and body are vibing low, I could see my thoughts, they were low. I wanted to change them but I couldn’t. I couldn’t change my mind. It was so low that I couldn’t change it.

I’m just glad that I’m vibing really high lately. My mind is a lot clearer. I’m allergic to low vibing people now like people that are fake, miserable, crazy and so on. My mind really got clearer this year also. I cannot even watch any shows or play any video games because they are so low now. I think it has to do with the energy coming to the Earth. The energy just made it very easy to feel good and to train the mind. I could feel my body shifting higher and my mind shifting higher. I could feel the change. I remember how I feel when I was low and when it shifts to a higher vibration, I could feel my body and mind changing.

It was like I was in a cultivation manga and I was in isolation training. But the isolation was worth it. I like my body and mind now.



I think my life is about to change. They say that is what usually happens when your energy shifts. I am just glad, I am not vibing low like I used to. The amount of worry and insecurities that invaded my mind before was very high and they did not feel good at all. I never want to go back to that kind of mind or way of thinking. However, the only instruction I got from my guides was to get a job then move out. So I don’t know how my life will change. It seems like I will just go to work and go to sleep since I don’t really watch shows or play games anymore.




The feeling of eternity never happened again. That feeling was the highest that I have ever felt. I was playing a video game and my team and I were in this dungeon to kill the boss. I was listening to Eckhart Tolle’s audio book in the background. Something in the book triggered it. I just felt eternity. I had to drop the game and go into my bed. It felt so good. I remember thinking I could be like Stephen Hawking or disabled and cannot move in a hospital bed, it still don’t matter. I will feel good no matter what. I will be so happy no matter what happens in my life as if my life does not matter at all. I started playing the game again and I felt that it was so low and low vibration that I could not stand it.

The feeling stayed for a few weeks. Gradually, it got weaker. It was the best feeling that I had ever felt. I realized that no amount of money, no amount of Earthly experience will ever come close to that feeling. Hopefully, I feel it again. I can tell that the higher I vibrate, the closer I get to that feeling.