This body started really really low. I mean low vibration. When I was a child, this body is lower than most of my classmates. When I was a teenager, it became apparent that this body is very low frequency due to the amount of victim and conflict situations that I experienced. In my 20s, I couldn’t make any money whatsoever. It turns out, I cannot make any money unless I get higher in frequency. I attract a lot of women but for some reason, it was just not meant to be. I wasn’t attracted, or I am more focused in money, or something preventing it.
But at least, I realized everything when I turned 40. It is a little bit late but not too late. The path that this life has to take is to get higher in frequency before money will come pouring in. I wish I would have known when I was younger. The amount of stress, hopelessness, and fear that I experienced because I couldn’t make money was overwhelming. Imagine being smarter, more talented, being very logical in solving problems yet my classmates and peers are making a lot more money than me. I hopelessly don’t know what I was doing or how to make money like them.
My purpose in this life is enlightenment
My purpose in this life is enlightenment or to be more and more at peace. How am I supposed to know that? I live in USA, surrounded by people who know nothing of enlightenment. If it weren’t for youtube, I would be still be in darkness right now. I wish I would have known that my purpose is enlightenment in my early years. I could have bypassed so much pain and stress. Everything would have been so much easier also. Knowing I will not make any money until I get a higher vibration would have helped a lot. Maybe in my next life, it would be easier.
But I can tell that my soul is very very old or has been on this Earth plane for 500,000 life times. For human lifetimes, 110,000. I have affinity with Arcturians which cares nothing about money. My soul is wise, this body is just low. I guess the soul wants to experience shifting to a higher dimension. How a dense body undergoes changes as it becomes lighter by vibrating higher.