Woo Woo

This Research Stuff

This Research On The Vaccine

This research on the vaccines might be due to a soul contract with someone. I really have no interest in this thing. My stance was very neutral. I was neither pro-vaccine nor anti-vaccine. My stance was to wait. Wait for data to come in whether this is good or bad.

There’s really no need for me to do any research as this does not benefit me in anyway. This research should be done by a medical professional. I am surrounded by people in the medical field, all the people I know practically have some sort of relationship with medicine or a medical professional. My family, neighbors, my friends, people I know and their parents, their lovers and so on. Although, I don’t really think anyone is doing any research on this. They are more qualified to do this. I’m looking at some of these studies and I really have no idea what they are talking about sometimes.


Vaccinated And Unvaccinated People Should Do This

People who are vaccinated should be doing this research also since it comes to their health. Even unvaccinated who wants to prove that the vaccines are not good should do this. I have no interest in such things. I do not want to save the world. I do not want to save anyone. You are all eternal beings, and this world does not matter, there’s no one that needs to be saved in my eyes. I have no interest in proving anyone wrong. My interest is to make money, and get laid.

There is really no benefit in this for me. I just have this urge to do it. It is most likely from a soul contract with someone. Their guardian angels and spirit guides must be knocking on their door and they won’t listen so they are knocking on my door, urging me to do this.

I was asking for guidance on how to make money and asking for urges from my guides to give me some. What I got is the urge to do this research. It seems highly unfair that I am doing this for someone and this has zero benefits for me.


Lastly, I Should Be The Last Person Doing This

There was this guy, I was talking to him face to face and he was thinking of taking the vaccine. I said he should wait. This doctor over heard us and he said the vaccine is safe, he should take it. I didn’t say anything back. I’m not going to argue with a doctor. Although, it was common sense for me to wait. I have no desire to save people nor prove people wrong about this.

But the Trump supporters who are conspiracy theorists are making the experts look like idiots right now though, at least according to my research. Like all these medical experts told you to take it. The Trump supporters didn’t take it, but they don’t have to worry about getting myocarditis.

Honestly, that guy that I was talking to should have taken my advice at that time. It was sound, it was logical. I am amazing also. It was spiritual also since it was the advice from one of the enlightenment groups that I listen to. If people had a choice whether to listen to my words or to a professional, my words would have more weight. It is just the way universe works. At least, what I say should considered heavily. Except when it comes to money. My guides and angels don’t want me to make money right now.


Most Enlightenment And Spiritual Groups

Most spiritual groups that I was listening to rejected the vaccines. They said it was detrimental to the health. Every time it came up, they would say no with such determination. You can feel their disgust and almost hatred for it. There were like a lot of questions on the vaccines also. A few groups were neutral. They would just say it will be good if you believe it is good, it is bad if you believe it is bad.

I don’t know if any of it is true. My stance was neutral. But they did predicted the inflation, housing market crash and so on.


In The Future

Let’s say Jerome Powell, who is the Chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System told everyone that inflation is going to be transitional. While some hobo who is homeless who knows nothing about economy told people that it will keep going, who would you believe? Of course people would believe Jerome Powell.

It is the same for that guy I talked to. Who would he most likely believe in, the doctor or me, a random unemployed guy who is broke. He is more likely to believe the doctor.

But a couple of decades from now, people will listen more to spiritual leaders rather than anyone. People will put more emphasis on their words rather than any politician, experts, and even science. Most of these spiritual leaders will be women. I will not be one of them, I don’t want to lead people.

After that, people will listen to their inner guidance more since every thing will betray them. They will be betrayed by science, they will be betrayed by political leaders, they will be betrayed by statistics, and even spiritual gurus will betray them. Until there’s really nothing left to believe in other than yourself. Everyone has an emotional guidance system, it is divinely inspired. So there’s no need to listen to anyone or anything else.


Anyway, This Is My Conclusion

I most likely have a soul contract with someone. I am supposed to do this for that person. Most likely a person who is in the medical field and this person is not listening to their spirit guides. So this person’s spirit guides and guardian angels are bothering me to do research since my mind is more open.