Woo Woo

Ukraine / Russia And Israel / Gaza

Disclaimer: This is not real. This is pure fiction. This has nothing to do with real life. This is only for fun and should not be taken seriously. This is not financial advice. This is pure nonsense. For entertainment purposes only. I am just talking to myself.


Ukraine / Russia

I didn’t think this matters if you live in the USA so I don’t include it. But it seems people want to know about it. You won’t like the explanation for this one.

There are no good and bad sides on this war. This war is staged. The war is real, people are dying, but the leaders are all in on it. It happened as soon as Biden became president which is really a big sign that this was planned a long time ago.

The reptilians believe in sacrificing the youth. This is a big sacrificial ritual. There was a big portal that opened up in Ukraine. It is a positive portal, giving off positive energies. The only way to counter act those energies is to create a war where lots of people die. This is the main reason for it. Secondary reasons involve money laundering and making US bureaucrats rich and happy. The portal is already gone or that it is no longer giving off lots of positive energies. The war is there because the shadow elites still want to kill people to lower the energies of the Earth.

Believe it or not, Zelensky wants to create a deal and make peace. He is not allowed to do it which is why he is flip flopping. Every time he is going to sign a peace agreement, people would call him and tell him that the war needs to continue. He would counter with “I have no money, I have no resources”, and the people in charge of him will say, we will give it to you. The war will go on, but USA does not need to go in there. Trump does not want to focus on that war. If there is no profit for the USA, he does not care.


Zelensky Is Not Good Guy

Zelensky is not a good guy. He is kidnapping people to fight this war. He is instructed to do so. The soldiers drag any man they can find on the street. The younger, the better. There are around 1k Ukrainians and 1k Russians that die every day. Zelensky replaces those men by kidnapping as many as he can find. The saddest part is that they don’t need to die. This war does not need to be fought by people. We already have the technology to fight with just drones. So what happens is that they send people in the front lines, and both sides will launch drones. Rinse and repeat. It is one big massacre over and over.

China made a show about their military drones.

There’s really no need for anything else other than drones. Humans are no longer needed to fight. The only reason they are there is for a big human sacrificial ritual.


Israel / Gaza

Israel wants to expand. It cannot be stopped. Not saying Hamas is good. They are despicable. But this war is most likely orchestrated by the CIA so that Israel can expand. Netanyahu has a higher rank than Trump. Trump belongs to this secret society and one of the persons above him is Netanyahu. Nancy Pelosi belongs to the same group which is why she is not saying anything bad about Trump. Trump outranks Nancy Pelosi. Trump can have Nancy killed if he wanted to. So Nancy will be a good girl for the next 4 years unless something happens. Power is shifting a lot in this timeline as the human consciousness goes up.

Anyway, Israel is going to expand to Gaza. They will rebuilt it. Some people will be able to come back. Some will not.



So let’s do some enlightenment part. These wars have nothing to do with most of you. They won’t even affect your life at all. Powers are shifting. Things are changing very fast. But this has nothing to do with you.

USA is very very high frequency. I came from Philippines, that place is very very low. A lot of lands are very very low. Lower than the Philippines. Bad things are going to happen in those lands. A lot of lands in the middle east are very misogynistic. They treat their women very terribly. Non-western lands are very racist. Asians hate other Asians. Middle Easterns hate white people. Lots of lands don’t respect black people and so on. Those lands are going to experience pain. This is just the way it is. Russia and Ukraine people have the same frequency. Israel and Gaza people have the same frequency as well. This is the reason why they have a war. They attract each other.

Lands have frequency. Very dense lands or low frequency lands will have lots of pain. It is because pain is a good motivation for people to reach a higher frequency. So these lands, you just have to accept that pain is going to happen, and there’s nothing you can do about it because it is the way it is. It is some sort of soul contract that cannot be broken. That soul contract has nothing to do with you.


If You Live In The USA

If you live in the USA, and you are very focus in these wars, then figure out where you have conflict with people. Look at your parents, look at your family, look at your friends and so on. Look at the entertainment that you are watching. Some part of you is in conflict or seeking conflict.

My life is mostly peaceful so whenever I hear predictions about these wars, I don’t really care about them. Not interested at all. So I don’t post about them. So if you are very attached to the outcomes of these wars, you should examine your belief systems also. What beliefs that you have that are very pro-conflict. Do you believe in revenge? Do you believe in sacrifice? Do you believe in retaliation, good guys vs bad guys and so on.